• Joined on 2024-06-29
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-17 16:56:57 +08:00
07c0501968 更新 .gitea/workflows/pms.yaml
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-17 16:52:52 +08:00
55671c9e8b 增加gitea的cicd功能
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-15 16:22:11 +08:00
1233a05bd2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into pms-dev
cbace6f97e feature: 调整全量引入功能对格式化后的代码依然生效
bec5dc4476 fixed: 模板中el-image默认添加preview-teleported,用户在预览时候方式弹出层被遮罩。
Compare 3 commits »
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-15 16:19:47 +08:00
3f1a9b87cc 2024-08-15 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into pms-dev
f7ddd8bbbb chore(user.vue): Update user.vue, alter userInfo username to userName. (#1855)
43d0c291ed feature:swagger 接口请求方式优化 (#1854)
Compare 3 commits »
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-14 21:46:21 +08:00
d49f8839a1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into pms-dev
0956edd0d0 feat: 初始化完成后主动获取GVA_ACTIVE_DBNAME。
Compare 2 commits »
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-14 21:37:49 +08:00
d392eb5893 2.7.2 合并
c9477d37fa V2.7.2版本发布 (#1853)
3b5c96d7cb feat:对象存储支持配置Cloudflare R2 (#1849)
c3c049b225 fixed: casbin 设置空权限无需调用 AddPolicies 方法 (#1850)
6fedb9773b fix: 代码自动生成选择业务库自动迁移代码生成异常 (#1848)
Compare 5 commits »
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-07 12:45:35 +08:00
97faf9126b 添加组织管理
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-07 12:42:34 +08:00
47725b37d7 添加组织管理
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-06 08:15:34 +08:00
41d8c8174b Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into pms-dev
332a8de2e9 fixed: 修复其他数据库类型下无法获取表列表的bug
Compare 2 commits »
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-04 20:11:54 +08:00
99ccf7940d 更新容器地址为主机名
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-04 20:00:17 +08:00
692697b909 Merge branch 'main' into pms-dev
7121968081 2.7.1版本提交 (#1844)
Compare 2 commits »
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-04 14:31:28 +08:00
e466df3086 修改封面图片
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-04 13:57:10 +08:00
089c84d1f5 剔除底部gva信息、设置appName为PMS
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-04 13:24:35 +08:00
33f38f42cc Merge branch 'main-44133d0c9' into pms-dev
a44133d0c9 fixed: 修复在同时开启多个窗口的情况下刷新页面导致的死循环情况
78e1126536 更新autocode的web目录
Compare 3 commits »
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-03 19:06:44 +08:00
0d09ac6eb1 设置后端server目录为app
root created branch pms-dev in syschan/pms 2024-08-03 18:40:28 +08:00
root pushed to pms-dev at syschan/pms 2024-08-03 18:40:28 +08:00
c2563fdc74 Merge branch 'main' into pms
61b5089e13 pms init
3c3d9487d0 fixed:修复复用代码无法改变主键的bug
15b5083d17 Update README.md
e25cafe2b4 fixed: 调整重复创建代码的提示
Compare 10 commits »
root created repository syschan/pms 2024-08-03 18:30:51 +08:00
root renamed repository from pms to syschan/pms-v1 2024-08-03 18:30:27 +08:00
root pushed to dev at syschan/pms-v1 2024-08-01 22:14:05 +08:00
5d04b8deea fixed: 调整autoCode标签
1207291249 fixed: 修复自动化模板多了}的问题
06bf641e7a fixed: 修复自动化代码路径不匹配的bug
ce764082b8 feature: 修改vite.config.js注释
aebc301b05 feature: swagger自动化模板优化
Compare 10 commits »