
516 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
"core": {
"server": {
"currentVersion": "Current version",
"welcomeTo": "Welcome to"
2024-10-01 05:00:36 +08:00
"viper": {
"modeGinEnvName": "You are using the gin mode with environment name %s, the config path is %s\n",
"envVariable": "You are using the %s environment variable, the config path is %s\n",
"commandLineParam": "You are using the value passed by the -c command line argument, the config path is %s\n",
"viperFunc": "You are using the value passed by the func Viper(), the config path is %s\n"
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
2024-10-01 05:00:36 +08:00
"initialize": {
"projectNotInitialized": "The project has not been initialized, plugins cannot be installed. Restart the project after initialization to complete the plugin installation.",
"registrationStarted": "Registration started",
2024-10-01 05:25:10 +08:00
"scheduledDatabaseCleanup": "Scheduled database cleanup for [logs, blacklist] content",
"getTableObjectFailed": "Failed to get table object for [%s]!",
"duplicateIndex": "Index [%s] is duplicated!",
"createIndexFailed": "Failed to create index [%s]!",
"getIndexObjectFailed": "Failed to get index object for [%s]!",
"getIndexListFailed": "Failed to get index list for [%s]!",
"mongoConnectionFailed": "Failed to connect to the MongoDB database!"
2024-10-01 05:00:36 +08:00
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
"general": {
"createSuccss": "Created successfully",
"creationFail": "Creation failed!",
"creationFailErr": "Creation failed",
"deletFailErr": "Delete failed",
"deleteFail": "Deletion failed!",
"deleteSuccess": "Deleted successfully",
"getDataFail": "Getting data failed!",
"getDataFailErr": "Getting data failed",
"getDataSuccess": "Getting data successfully",
"modifyFail": "Modification failed!",
"modifySuccess": "Modified successfully",
"queryFail": "Query failed!",
"queryFailErr": "Query failed",
"querySuccess": "Query successfully",
"setupFail": "Setup failed",
"setupFailErr": "Setup failed!",
"setupSuccess": "Setup successfully",
"tabelDataInitFail": "Table data initialization failed!",
"updateFail": "Update failed!",
"updateFailErr": "Update failed",
2024-10-01 05:00:36 +08:00
"updateSuccess": "Updated successfully",
"invalidPackageName": "Invalid package name",
"insufficientPermissions": "Insufficient permissions",
"sendFailed": "Send failed",
"sendSuccess": "Send successful"
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
"init": {
"dbAlreadyExist": "Database configuration already exists!!",
"dbAlreadyInit": "Database already initialized!",
"initDB": "Go to initialize the database"
"model": {
"common": {
"response": {
"operationFail": "The operation fail.",
"operationSuccess": "The operation was successful.",
"success": "Success"
"sys_authority": {
"copyFail": "Copy failed!",
"copyFailErr": "Copy failed",
2024-10-01 05:00:36 +08:00
"copySuccess": "Copy successfully",
"assignmentFail": "Assignment failed",
"assignmentSuccess": "Assignment successful"
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
"sys_auto_code": {
"autoCreateFail": "Automatic creation failed! Please clear the junk data yourself!",
"largeModelCreationFail": "Large model generation failed!",
"largeModelCreationFailErr": "Large model generation failed",
"previewFail": "Preview failed!",
"previewFailErr": "Preview failed",
"previewSuccess": "Previewed successfully",
2024-10-01 05:00:36 +08:00
"queryTablesFail": "Failed to query tables",
"webPluginInstallSuccess": "Web plugin installation succeeded",
"serverPluginInstallSuccess": "Server plugin installation succeeded",
"webPluginInstallFail": "Web plugin failed to install, please unzip and install according to the documentation. If it is a backend-only plugin, please ignore this message.",
"serverPluginInstallFail": "Server plugin failed to install, please unzip and install according to the documentation. If it is a frontend-only plugin, please ignore this message.",
"packagingFail": "Packaging failed",
"createInitMenuFail": "Failed to create initial menu",
"fileChangeSuccess": "File change succeeded",
"createInitApiFail": "Failed to create initial API",
"packagingSuccess": "Packaging succeeded, file path is: %s",
"injectFail": "Injection failed",
"injectSuccess": "Injection succeeded",
"templateFileReadFailed": "[filepath:%s] Failed to read template file!",
"directoryCreationFailed": "[filepath:%s] Failed to create directory!",
"generationFailed": "[filepath:%s] Generation failed!",
"generationSuccess": "[template:%s][filepath:%s] Generation succeeded!",
"injection_success": "[type:%s] Injection successful!\n",
"templateFolderReadFailed": "Failed to read template folder!",
"illegalTemplateFile": "[filepath:%s] Illegal template file!",
"illegalTemplateDirectory": "[filepath:%s] Illegal template directory!",
"illegalTemplateSuffix": "[filepath:%s] Illegal template suffix!",
"templateFolderReadFailedWithDir": "Failed to read template folder [%s]!",
"testPackage": "Test package",
"testPlugin": "Test plugin",
"description": "Description",
"displayName": "Display Name",
"keywordNotice": "%s is a Go keyword!",
"nonStandardPlugin": "Non-standard plugin, please migrate automatically according to the documentation",
"autoPathExists": "autoPath already has a plugin with the same name, please install it manually",
"duplicatePlugin": "A plugin with the same name already exists, please install it manually",
"pluginNameRequired": "Plugin name cannot be empty",
"webPathNotExist": "Web path does not exist",
"serverPathNotExist": "Server path does not exist",
"duplicateRoleId": "Duplicate role ID exists",
"queryRoleDataFailed": "Failed to query role data",
"roleNotExist": "This role does not exist",
"roleInUse": "This role is currently in use by users and cannot be deleted",
"roleHasSubRoles": "This role has sub-roles and cannot be deleted",
"invalidRoleId": "The submitted role ID is invalid",
"buttonInUse": "This button is currently in use and cannot be deleted",
"menuHasSubMenu": "This menu has submenus and cannot be deleted",
"recordNotFound": "Record does not exist",
"menuUsedAsHome": "This menu has roles being used as the homepage and cannot be deleted",
"duplicateNameUpdateFailed": "Update failed due to duplicate name",
"adaptDatabaseFailed": "Database adaptation failed, please check if the casbin table is InnoDB engine!",
2024-10-01 05:25:10 +08:00
"stringLoadModelFailed": "Failed to load string model",
"noAvailableInit": "No available initialization process, please check if the initialization has been completed."
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
"sys_auto_code_history": {
"rollbackSuccess": "Rolledback successfully"
"sys_captcha": {
"vCodeFail": "Obtaining verification code failed!",
"vCodeFailErr": "Obtaining verification code failed",
"vCodeSuccess": "Verification code obtained successfully"
"sys_initdb": {
"autoCreateDBFail": "Automatic database creation failed!",
"autoCreateDBFailErr": "Automatic database creation failed, please check the background log and initialize it after checking",
"autoCreateDBSuccess": "Automatic database created successfully",
"paramVerifyFail": "Parameter verification failed!",
"paramVerifyFailErr": "Parameter verification failed"
"sys_jwt_blacklist": {
"jwtInvalidatedSuccess": "jwt was invalidated successfully",
"jwtInvalidationFailedErr": "JWT invalidation failed"
"sys_menu": {
"addFail": "Adding failed!",
"addFailErr": "Adding failed",
"addSuccess": "Added successfully"
"sys_operation_record": {
"batchDeleteFail": "Batch delete failed!",
"batchDeleteFailErr": "Batch delete failed",
"batchDeleteSuccess": "Batch delete successfully"
"sys_system": {
"rebootFail": "Failed to reboot the system!",
"rebootFailErr": "Failed to reboot the system",
"rebootSuccess": "Reboot the system successfully"
"sys_user": {
"changePWErr": "The modification failed, the original password does not match the current account",
"deleteUserFail": "Delete user failed",
"getTokenErr": "Failed to get token",
"getTokenFail": "Failed to get token!",
"jwtInvalidationFailed": "JWT invalidation failed!",
"loginFail": "Login failed! Username does not exist or password is incorrect!",
"loginStatusFail": "Failed to set the login status!",
"loginStatusFailErr": "Failed to set the login status",
"loginSuccess": "Logged in successfully",
"registrationFail": "Registration failed!",
"registrationFailErr": "Registration failed",
"registrationSuccess": "Registration success",
"resetPWFail": "Reset password failed!",
"resetPWFailErr": "Reset password failed",
"resetPWSuccess": "Password reset successfully",
"userNameOrPasswordError": "Username does not exist or password is incorrect",
2024-10-01 05:00:36 +08:00
"vCodeErr": "Verification code error",
"loginFailUserBanned": "Login failed! The user is banned from logging in!",
2024-10-01 05:25:10 +08:00
"userBanned": "The user is banned from logging in",
"usernameRegistered": "Username already registered",
"passwordError": "Incorrect password",
"originalPasswordError": "Original password is incorrect",
"userHasNoRole": "The user does not have this role",
"defaultRouteNotFound": "Default route not found, unable to switch to this role",
"queryUserDataFailed": "Failed to query user data",
"userNotExist": "User does not exist"
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
"system": {
"api": {
"desc": {
"addMenu": "Add menu",
"addMenuRole": "Add menu and role association",
"addTemplateMethod": "Add template method",
"autoCode": "Automate code",
"batchDeleteAnnouncement": "Batch Delete Announcement",
"batchDeleteExportTemplate": "Batch delete export template",
"batchDeleteOperationHistory": "Batch delete operation history",
"breakpointContinue": "Breakpoint continuation",
"breakpointContinueFinish": "Breakpoint continuation complete",
"changePassword": "Change password (recommended)",
"changeRoleAPIPermission": "Change role api permissions",
"configurationTemplates": "Configuration template",
"confirmSyncApi": "Confirm sync API",
"copyRole": "Copy Role",
"createAPI": "Create API",
"createCustomer": "Create customer",
"createDictionary": "Create dictionary",
"createDictionaryContent": "Create dictionary content",
"createExportTemplate": "Create export template",
"createOperationRecord": "Create operation record",
"createPluginPackage": "Create plugin package",
"createRole": "Create Role",
"deleteAPI": "Delete APIs",
"deleteAPIByID": "Batch Delete API",
"deleteAnnouncement": "Delete Announcement",
"deleteButton": "Delete button",
"deleteCustomer": "Delete customer",
"deleteDictionary": "Delete dictionary",
"deleteDictionaryContent": "Delete dictionary content",
"deleteExportTemplate": "Delete export template",
"deleteFile": "Delete file",
"deleteMenu": "Delete Menu",
"deleteOperationRecord": "Delete operation record",
"deleteRole": "Delete role",
"deleteRollbackRecord": "Delete rollback record",
"deleteTemplate": "Delete template",
"deleteUsers": "Delete Users",
"downloadTemplate": "Download template",
"editFileNameOrRemark": "Edit file name or remark",
"exportExcel": "Export Excel",
"fileIntegrityCheck": "File integrity check",
"fileUploadExample": "File upload example",
"findTargetFile": "Find target file (second pass)",
"getAPIByID": "Get API Details",
"getAPIList": "Get API List",
"getAllAPI": "Get All API",
"getAllDatabases": "Get all databases",
"getAllTemplates": "Get all templates",
"getAnnouncementByID": "Get Announcements By ID",
"getAnnouncementList": "Get Announcement List",
"getConfigFileContent": "Get configuration file content",
"getCustomerList": "Get customer list",
"getDatabaseTables": "Get database tables",
"getDictionaryById": "Get dictionary by ID",
"getDictionaryContentById": "Get dictionary content by ID",
"getDictionaryContentList": "Get dictionary content list",
"getDictionaryList": "Get dictionary list",
"getDynamicRoute": "Get user dynamic route",
"getExistingButtonPermission": "Get existing button permission",
"getExportTemplateById": "Get export template by ID",
"getExportTemplateList": "Get export template list",
"getMenuByID": "Get Menu By ID",
"getMenuList": "Get Menu List",
"getMenuRole": "Get the specified role menu",
"getMenuTree": "Get the menu tree (required)",
"getMetaInfo": "Get meta information",
"getOperationRecordById": "Get operation record by ID",
"getOperationRecordList": "Get operation record list",
"getPermissionList": "Get permission list",
"getRoleList": "Get Roles List",
"getRouteGroup": "Get route group",
"getSelectedTableFields": "Get all fields of the selected table",
"getSelfInfo": "Get self information (required)",
"getServerInfo": "Get server information",
"getSingleCustomer": "Get single customer",
"getSyncApi": "Get sync API",
"getTemplateFile": "Get the template file",
"getUploadFileList": "Get upload file list",
"getUsersList": "Get user list",
"ignoreApi": "Ignore API",
"importExcel": "Import Excel",
"installPlugin": "Install plugin",
"jwtAddedToBlackList": "JWT added to the blacklist (Logout required)",
"mergeFileAfterUpload": "Merge file after upload",
"modifyUserRole": "Modify user role (required)",
"newAnnouncement": "New Announcement",
"packagePlugin": "Package plugin",
"pluginVersionResumableUpload": "Plugin version resumable upload",
"previewAutoCode": "Preview automated code",
"queryRollbackRecord": "Query rollback record",
"removeFileAfterUpload": "Remove file after upload",
"resetUserPassword": "Reset User Password",
"resetUserWeb": "User Interface Configuration",
"rollbackAutoGeneratedCode": "Rollback auto-generated code",
"sendEmail": "Send email",
"sendTestEmail": "Send test email",
"setButtonPermission": "Set button permission",
"setConfigFileContent": "Set configuration file content",
"setPermissionGroup": "Set permission group",
"setRolePermissions": "Set role resource permissions",
"setSelfInfo": "Set self information (required)",
"setUserInfo": "Set user information",
"updateAPI": "Update APIs",
"updateAnnouncement": "Update Announcement",
"updateCustomer": "Update customer",
"updateDictionary": "Update dictionary",
"updateDictionaryContent": "Update dictionary content",
"updateExportTemplate": "Update export template",
"updateMenu": "Update Menu",
"updateRole": "Update Role",
"userLoginRequired": "User login (required)",
2024-09-30 18:03:38 +08:00
"userRegistration": "User registration",
"tableDataInitFail": "Table data initialization failed"
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
"group": {
"announcement": "Announcement",
"api": "API",
"buttonAuthority": "Button Authority",
"casbin": "casbin",
"codeGen": "Code Generator",
"codeGenHistory": "Code generator log",
"customer": "Customer",
"dictDetails": "System Dictionary Details",
"dictionary": "System dictionary",
"email": "Email",
"fileUploadDownload": "File upload and download",
"menu": "Menu",
"optRecord": "Operation record",
"partialUpload": "Partial upload",
"resumeUpload": "Resumable upload (plug-in version)",
"role": "Role",
"systemService": "System Service",
"systemUser": "System User",
"tableTemplate": "Table Templates",
2024-09-21 12:24:20 +08:00
"templateConfiguration": "Template Configuration"
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
"authority": {
"normalUserSubRole": "Normal User Sub-Role",
"normalUsers": "Normal Users",
"permissionRefreshFailed": "Created successfully, permission refresh failed.",
"testRole": "Test Role"
"dictionary": {
"boolType": "Boolean Type",
"floatType": "Float Type",
"gender": "Gender Type",
"genderDict": "Gender dictionary",
"intType": "Integer Type",
"intTypeDict": "The database type corresponding to the int type",
"stringType": "String Type",
"timeDateType": "Time-Date Type",
"timeDateTypeDict": "Database Time-Date Type"
"dictionary_detail": {
"female": "Female",
"male": "Male"
"menu": {
"about": "About",
"adminTools": "Administration Tools",
"announcementManage": "Announcement Management [Example]",
"apiManage": "API Management",
"autoCode": "Code Generator",
"autoCodeEdit": "Automate code (reuse)",
"autoCodeManage": "Automated Code Management",
"breakPoint": "Large Files Upload",
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
"customerList": "Customer List (Resource Example)",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"dataTableInitFail": "Failed to initialize table data",
"dictDetail": "Dictionary Details",
"dictManage": "Dictionary Management",
"emailPlugin": "Email Plugin",
"examples": "Examples",
"excelImportExport": "Excel Import And Export",
"formCreator": "Form Builder",
"mediaLibUpDown": "Media Library (Upload and Download)",
"menuManage": "Menu Management",
"operationLog": "Audit Log",
"packagePlugin": "Package Plugin",
"personalInfo": "Personal Information",
"pluginInstall": "Plugin Installation",
"pluginMarket": "Plugin Market",
"pluginSystem": "Plugin System",
"resumableUpload": "Resumable upload (plug-in version)",
"resume": "Resume From a Breakpoint (plug-in version)",
"roleManage": "Role Management",
"serverStatus": "Server Status",
"system": "System Configuration",
"systemTools": "System Tools",
"tableTemplate": "Table Template",
"templateConfig": "Template Configuration",
"userManage": "User Management",
2024-09-30 18:03:38 +08:00
"website": "Official Website",
"buttonKey": "Button Key",
"buttonComment": "Button Comment",
"menuID": "Menu ID"
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
2024-09-21 13:45:03 +08:00
2024-10-01 05:00:36 +08:00
"announcement": {
"publicAnnouncementAPI": "Announcement API information that does not require authentication",
"initConfigFailed": "Failed to initialize configuration file",
"announcementManagement": "Announcement Management",
"registryFailed": "Registry failed"
"sys_api": {
"syncFail": "Sync failed",
"ignoreFail": "Ignore failed",
"refreshFail": "Refresh failed",
"refreshSuccess": "Refresh successful"
2024-09-21 13:45:03 +08:00
"api": {
"example": {
"exa_breakpoint_continue": {
2024-10-01 05:00:36 +08:00
"fileFail": "File upload failed",
"fileReadFail": "File read failed",
"checkMD5Fail": "Check MD5 failed",
"findOrCreateRecordFail": "Failed to find or create record",
"resumeFromBreakpointFail": "Resume from breakpoint failed",
"createFileRecordFail": "Failed to create file record",
"sliceCreationSuccess": "Slice creation succeeded",
"searchFail": "Search failed",
"searchSuccess": "Search succeeded",
"fileCreationFail": "File creation failed",
"fileCreationSuccess": "File creation succeeded",
"cacheSliceDeleteFail": "Failed to delete cache slice",
"cacheSliceDeleteSuccess": "Cache slice deletion succeeded"
2024-09-21 13:45:03 +08:00
"service": {
2024-09-30 18:03:38 +08:00
"duplicateApi": "Duplicate API exists",
"invalidSortField": "Invalid sorting field",
"duplicateApiPath": "Duplicate API path exists",
2024-10-01 05:00:36 +08:00
"invalidSortFieldV": "Invalid sorting field: %v",
"fileDeleteFailed": "File deletion failed",
"menuDeleteFailed": "Failed to delete menu",
"tableDeleteFailed": "Failed to delete table",
"rollbackInjectionSuccess": "Rollback injection code succeeded!",
"fileMoveFailed": "File move failed!",
"templateCannotBeEmpty": "Template cannot be empty",
"pageIsFormGenerator": "Page is form generator",
"packageNameCannotBeEmpty": "Package Name cannot be empty",
"cannotUseReservedPackageName": "Cannot use reserved package name",
"duplicatePackageNameExists": "Duplicate Package Name exists",
"failedToGetAllPackages": "Failed to get all packages"
2024-09-30 18:03:38 +08:00
"utils": {
"checkFailZeroValue": "Validation failed, unable to capture zero value",
"checkFailNameEmpty": "Validation failed, unable to properly check if name is empty",
2024-10-01 05:25:10 +08:00
"checkFailPass": "Validation failed, unable to pass the check",
"getHuaweiObjectFailed": "Failed to get Huawei object storage object!",
"fileUploadFailed": "File upload failed!",
"getHuaweiObjectFailedDuplicate": "Failed to get Huawei object storage object!",
2024-10-01 06:16:21 +08:00
"deleteObjectFailed": "Failed to delete object (%s)! Output: %v",
"fileOpenParseFailed": "[filepath:%s] Failed to open/parse the file!",
"fileOpenFailed": "[filepath:%s] Failed to open the file!",
"injectionFailed": "[filepath:%s] Injection failed!",
"test_gva_user_injection": "Testing GvaUser struct injection",
"test_gva_user_rollback": "Testing GvaUser rollback",
"test_user_injection": "Testing &model.User{} injection",
"test_exa_customer_injection": "Testing new(model.ExaCustomer) injection",
"test_sys_users_injection": "Testing new(model.SysUsers) injection",
"test_user_rollback": "Testing &model.User{} rollback",
"test_exa_customer_rollback": "Testing new(model.ExaCustomer) rollback",
"cookieRewriteFailed": "Failed to rewrite cookie token, unable to successfully parse the token. Please check if the request header contains x-token and if the claims are in the required structure.",
"jwtParseFailed": "Failed to retrieve JWT parsing information from Gin's context. Please check if the request header contains x-token and if the claims are in the required structure.",
"gvaPluginRegister": "Test Gva plugin registration injection",
"gvaPluginRollback": "Test Gva plugin rollback",
"initCustomerRouterRollback": "Test InitCustomerRouter rollback",
"initFileUploadAndDownloadRouterRollback": "Test InitFileUploadAndDownloadRouter rollback",
"exaFileUploadAndDownloadInjection": "Test injection of &example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{}",
"exaCustomerInjection": "Test injection of &example.ExaCustomer{}",
"newExaFileUploadAndDownloadInjection": "Test injection of new(example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload)",
"newExaCustomerInjection": "Test injection of new(example.ExaCustomer)",
"exaFileUploadAndDownloadRollback": "Test rollback of &example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{}",
"exaCustomerRollback": "Test rollback of &example.ExaCustomer{}",
"newExaFileUploadAndDownloadRollback": "Test rollback of new(example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload)",
"newExaCustomerRollback": "Test rollback of new(example.ExaCustomer)",
"fileUploadAndDownloadRouterRollback": "Test rollback of FileUploadAndDownloadRouter",
"fileUploadAndDownloadApiRollback": "Test rollback of FileUploadAndDownloadApi",
"fileUploadAndDownloadServiceRollback": "Test rollback of FileUploadAndDownloadService",
"fileUploadAndDownloadRouterInjection": "Test injection of FileUploadAndDownloadRouter",
"fileUploadAndDownloadApiInjection": "Test injection of FileUploadAndDownloadApi",
"fileUploadAndDownloadServiceInjection": "Test injection of FileUploadAndDownloadService",
"exampleApiGroupRollback": "Test rollback of ExampleApiGroup",
"exampleRouterGroupRollback": "Test rollback of ExampleRouterGroup",
"exampleServiceGroupRollback": "Test rollback of ExampleServiceGroup",
"exampleApiGroupInjection": "Test injection of ExampleApiGroup",
"exampleRouterGroupInjection": "Test injection of ExampleRouterGroup",
"exampleServiceGroupInjection": "Test injection of ExampleServiceGroup",
"gvaPluginUserApiInjection": "Test injection of Gva Plugin UserApi",
"gvaPluginUserRouterInjection": "Test injection of Gva Plugin UserRouter",
"gvaPluginUserServiceInjection": "Test injection of Gva Plugin UserService",
"gvaUserInjection": "Test injection of gva User",
"gvaPluginUserRouterRollback": "Test rollback of Gva Plugin UserRouter",
"gvaPluginUserApiRollback": "Test rollback of Gva Plugin UserApi",
"gvaPluginUserServiceRollback": "Test rollback of Gva Plugin UserService",
"gvaPluginUserInjection": "Test injection of Gva Plugin User",
"chineseInjection": "Test injection of Chinese",
2024-10-01 06:27:31 +08:00
"gvaPluginUserRollback": "Test rollback of Gva Plugin User",
"registrationError": "is already registered and cannot be registered again",
"valueCannotBeEmpty": "cannot be empty",
"formatValidationFailed": "format validation failed",
"lengthOrValueOutOfRange": "length or value is out of valid range",
"sysNoSupport": "The system does not support",
"fileNameInvalid": "File name is invalid"
2024-09-21 13:45:03 +08:00
"router": {
2024-09-21 00:07:11 +08:00
2024-09-21 12:24:20 +08:00
2024-10-08 22:24:04 +08:00