diff --git a/server/api/v1/example/exa_excel.go b/server/api/v1/example/exa_excel.go
index d65784878..c76924859 100644
--- a/server/api/v1/example/exa_excel.go
+++ b/server/api/v1/example/exa_excel.go
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
package example
import (
- "os"
+ "os"
+ "strings"
type ExcelApi struct{}
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ type ExcelApi struct{}
func (e *ExcelApi) ExportExcel(c *gin.Context) {
var excelInfo example.ExcelInfo
_ = c.ShouldBindJSON(&excelInfo)
+ if strings.Index(excelInfo.FileName, "..") > -1 {
+ response.FailWithMessage("包含非法字符", c)
+ return
+ }
filePath := global.GVA_CONFIG.Excel.Dir + excelInfo.FileName
err := excelService.ParseInfoList2Excel(excelInfo.InfoList, filePath)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/server/api/v1/example/exa_file_upload_download.go b/server/api/v1/example/exa_file_upload_download.go
index 7d09769a8..37edd63ea 100644
--- a/server/api/v1/example/exa_file_upload_download.go
+++ b/server/api/v1/example/exa_file_upload_download.go
@@ -38,6 +38,18 @@ func (u *FileUploadAndDownloadApi) UploadFile(c *gin.Context) {
response.OkWithDetailed(exampleRes.ExaFileResponse{File: file}, "上传成功", c)
+// EditFileName 编辑文件名或者备注
+func (u *FileUploadAndDownloadApi) EditFileName(c *gin.Context) {
+ var file example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload
+ _ = c.ShouldBindJSON(&file)
+ if err := fileUploadAndDownloadService.EditFileName(file); err != nil {
+ global.GVA_LOG.Error("编辑失败!", zap.Error(err))
+ response.FailWithMessage("编辑失败", c)
+ return
+ }
+ response.OkWithMessage("编辑成功", c)
// @Tags ExaFileUploadAndDownload
// @Summary 删除文件
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
diff --git a/server/api/v1/system/sys_auto_code.go b/server/api/v1/system/sys_auto_code.go
index 0a9a6e377..12b9a2648 100644
--- a/server/api/v1/system/sys_auto_code.go
+++ b/server/api/v1/system/sys_auto_code.go
@@ -104,8 +104,9 @@ func (autoApi *AutoCodeApi) GetDB(c *gin.Context) {
if err != nil {
global.GVA_LOG.Error("获取失败!", zap.Error(err))
response.FailWithMessage("获取失败", c)
+ } else {
+ response.OkWithDetailed(gin.H{"dbs": dbs}, "获取成功", c)
- response.OkWithDetailed(gin.H{"dbs": dbs}, "获取成功", c)
// GetTables
@@ -142,11 +143,11 @@ func (autoApi *AutoCodeApi) GetColumn(c *gin.Context) {
if err != nil {
global.GVA_LOG.Error("获取失败!", zap.Error(err))
response.FailWithMessage("获取失败", c)
+ } else {
+ response.OkWithDetailed(gin.H{"columns": columns}, "获取成功", c)
- response.OkWithDetailed(gin.H{"columns": columns}, "获取成功", c)
// CreatePackage
// @Tags AutoCode
// @Summary 创建package
@@ -172,7 +173,6 @@ func (autoApi *AutoCodeApi) CreatePackage(c *gin.Context) {
// GetPackage
// @Tags AutoCode
// @Summary 获取package
@@ -182,17 +182,15 @@ func (autoApi *AutoCodeApi) CreatePackage(c *gin.Context) {
// @Success 200 {object} response.Response{data=map[string]interface{},msg=string} "创建package成功"
// @Router /autoCode/getPackage [post]
func (autoApi *AutoCodeApi) GetPackage(c *gin.Context) {
- pkgs,err := autoCodeService.GetPackage()
+ pkgs, err := autoCodeService.GetPackage()
if err != nil {
global.GVA_LOG.Error("获取失败!", zap.Error(err))
response.FailWithMessage("获取失败", c)
} else {
- response.OkWithDetailed(gin.H{"pkgs": pkgs},"获取成功", c)
+ response.OkWithDetailed(gin.H{"pkgs": pkgs}, "获取成功", c)
// DelPackage
// @Tags AutoCode
// @Summary 删除package
diff --git a/server/initialize/ensure_tables.go b/server/initialize/ensure_tables.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2eb3200b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/initialize/ensure_tables.go
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+package initialize
+import (
+ "context"
+ adapter "github.com/casbin/gorm-adapter/v3"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/example"
+ sysModel "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
+ "gorm.io/gorm"
+const initOrderEnsureTables = system.InitOrderExternal - 1
+type ensureTables struct{}
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderEnsureTables, &ensureTables{})
+func (ensureTables) InitializerName() string {
+ return "ensure_tables_created"
+func (e *ensureTables) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (next context.Context, err error) {
+ return ctx, nil
+func (e *ensureTables) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ return true
+func (e *ensureTables) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ tables := []interface{}{
+ sysModel.SysApi{},
+ sysModel.SysUser{},
+ sysModel.SysBaseMenu{},
+ sysModel.SysAuthority{},
+ sysModel.JwtBlacklist{},
+ sysModel.SysDictionary{},
+ sysModel.SysAutoCodeHistory{},
+ sysModel.SysOperationRecord{},
+ sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{},
+ sysModel.SysBaseMenuParameter{},
+ sysModel.SysBaseMenuBtn{},
+ sysModel.SysAuthorityBtn{},
+ sysModel.SysAutoCode{},
+ adapter.CasbinRule{},
+ example.ExaFile{},
+ example.ExaCustomer{},
+ example.ExaFileChunk{},
+ example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{},
+ }
+ for _, t := range tables {
+ _ = db.AutoMigrate(&t)
+ // 视图 authority_menu 会被当成表来创建,引发冲突错误(更新版本的gorm似乎不会)
+ // 由于 AutoMigrate() 基本无需考虑错误,因此显式忽略
+ }
+ return ctx, nil
+func (e *ensureTables) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ tables := []interface{}{
+ sysModel.SysApi{},
+ sysModel.SysUser{},
+ sysModel.SysBaseMenu{},
+ sysModel.SysAuthority{},
+ sysModel.JwtBlacklist{},
+ sysModel.SysDictionary{},
+ sysModel.SysAutoCodeHistory{},
+ sysModel.SysOperationRecord{},
+ sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{},
+ sysModel.SysBaseMenuParameter{},
+ sysModel.SysBaseMenuBtn{},
+ sysModel.SysAuthorityBtn{},
+ sysModel.SysAutoCode{},
+ adapter.CasbinRule{},
+ example.ExaFile{},
+ example.ExaCustomer{},
+ example.ExaFileChunk{},
+ example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{},
+ }
+ yes := true
+ for _, t := range tables {
+ yes = yes && db.Migrator().HasTable(t)
+ }
+ return yes
diff --git a/server/initialize/register_init.go b/server/initialize/register_init.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2496612b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/initialize/register_init.go
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package initialize
+import (
+ _ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/source/example"
+ _ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/source/system"
+func init() {
+ // do nothing,only import source package so that inits can be registered
diff --git a/server/model/common/request/common.go b/server/model/common/request/common.go
index 577a5ac1f..779191866 100644
--- a/server/model/common/request/common.go
+++ b/server/model/common/request/common.go
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package request
type PageInfo struct {
Page int `json:"page" form:"page"` // 页码
PageSize int `json:"pageSize" form:"pageSize"` // 每页大小
+ Keyword string `json:"keyword" form:"keyword"` //关键字
// GetById Find by id structure
diff --git a/server/model/example/exa_file_upload_download.go b/server/model/example/exa_file_upload_download.go
index 6f74bb4bc..bf4c7df7e 100644
--- a/server/model/example/exa_file_upload_download.go
+++ b/server/model/example/exa_file_upload_download.go
@@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ type ExaFileUploadAndDownload struct {
Tag string `json:"tag" gorm:"comment:文件标签"` // 文件标签
Key string `json:"key" gorm:"comment:编号"` // 编号
+func (ExaFileUploadAndDownload) TableName() string {
+ return "exa_file_upload_and_downloads"
diff --git a/server/model/system/sys_api.go b/server/model/system/sys_api.go
index 731efc483..2b6ab36ce 100644
--- a/server/model/system/sys_api.go
+++ b/server/model/system/sys_api.go
@@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ type SysApi struct {
ApiGroup string `json:"apiGroup" gorm:"comment:api组"` // api组
Method string `json:"method" gorm:"default:POST;comment:方法"` // 方法:创建POST(默认)|查看GET|更新PUT|删除DELETE
+func (SysApi) TableName() string {
+ return "sys_apis"
diff --git a/server/model/system/sys_authority.go b/server/model/system/sys_authority.go
index c4b9b48c9..63e894a27 100644
--- a/server/model/system/sys_authority.go
+++ b/server/model/system/sys_authority.go
@@ -5,15 +5,19 @@ import (
type SysAuthority struct {
- CreatedAt time.Time // 创建时间
- UpdatedAt time.Time // 更新时间
- DeletedAt *time.Time `sql:"index"`
- AuthorityId string `json:"authorityId" gorm:"not null;unique;primary_key;comment:角色ID;size:90"` // 角色ID
- AuthorityName string `json:"authorityName" gorm:"comment:角色名"` // 角色名
- ParentId string `json:"parentId" gorm:"comment:父角色ID"` // 父角色ID
- DataAuthorityId []SysAuthority `json:"dataAuthorityId" gorm:"many2many:sys_data_authority_id"`
- Children []SysAuthority `json:"children" gorm:"-"`
- SysBaseMenus []SysBaseMenu `json:"menus" gorm:"many2many:sys_authority_menus;"`
- Users []SysUser `json:"-" gorm:"many2many:sys_user_authority;"`
- DefaultRouter string `json:"defaultRouter" gorm:"comment:默认菜单;default:dashboard"` // 默认菜单(默认dashboard)
+ CreatedAt time.Time // 创建时间
+ UpdatedAt time.Time // 更新时间
+ DeletedAt *time.Time `sql:"index"`
+ AuthorityId string `json:"authorityId" gorm:"not null;unique;primary_key;comment:角色ID;size:90"` // 角色ID
+ AuthorityName string `json:"authorityName" gorm:"comment:角色名"` // 角色名
+ ParentId string `json:"parentId" gorm:"comment:父角色ID"` // 父角色ID
+ DataAuthorityId []*SysAuthority `json:"dataAuthorityId" gorm:"many2many:sys_data_authority_id;"`
+ Children []SysAuthority `json:"children" gorm:"-"`
+ SysBaseMenus []SysBaseMenu `json:"menus" gorm:"many2many:sys_authority_menus;"`
+ Users []SysUser `json:"-" gorm:"many2many:sys_user_authority;"`
+ DefaultRouter string `json:"defaultRouter" gorm:"comment:默认菜单;default:dashboard"` // 默认菜单(默认dashboard)
+func (SysAuthority) TableName() string {
+ return "sys_authorities"
diff --git a/server/model/system/sys_base_menu.go b/server/model/system/sys_base_menu.go
index 7ae9ba5b7..3b5d5085f 100644
--- a/server/model/system/sys_base_menu.go
+++ b/server/model/system/sys_base_menu.go
@@ -35,3 +35,7 @@ type SysBaseMenuParameter struct {
Key string `json:"key" gorm:"comment:地址栏携带参数的key"` // 地址栏携带参数的key
Value string `json:"value" gorm:"comment:地址栏携带参数的值"` // 地址栏携带参数的值
+func (SysBaseMenu) TableName() string {
+ return "sys_base_menus"
diff --git a/server/model/system/sys_dictionary.go b/server/model/system/sys_dictionary.go
index b5af59ac9..c0b9bf7fc 100644
--- a/server/model/system/sys_dictionary.go
+++ b/server/model/system/sys_dictionary.go
@@ -14,3 +14,7 @@ type SysDictionary struct {
Desc string `json:"desc" form:"desc" gorm:"column:desc;comment:描述"` // 描述
SysDictionaryDetails []SysDictionaryDetail `json:"sysDictionaryDetails" form:"sysDictionaryDetails"`
+func (SysDictionary) TableName() string {
+ return "sys_dictionaries"
diff --git a/server/model/system/sys_dictionary_detail.go b/server/model/system/sys_dictionary_detail.go
index f44308005..5e4f62b7e 100644
--- a/server/model/system/sys_dictionary_detail.go
+++ b/server/model/system/sys_dictionary_detail.go
@@ -14,3 +14,7 @@ type SysDictionaryDetail struct {
Sort int `json:"sort" form:"sort" gorm:"column:sort;comment:排序标记"` // 排序标记
SysDictionaryID int `json:"sysDictionaryID" form:"sysDictionaryID" gorm:"column:sys_dictionary_id;comment:关联标记"` // 关联标记
+func (SysDictionaryDetail) TableName() string {
+ return "sys_dictionary_details"
diff --git a/server/model/system/sys_initdb.go b/server/model/system/sys_initdb.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ea0d3d1..000000000
--- a/server/model/system/sys_initdb.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package system
-import "github.com/gookit/color"
-type InitDBFunc interface {
- Init() (err error)
-const (
- Mysql = "mysql"
- Pgsql = "pgsql"
- InitSuccess = "\n[%v] --> 初始数据成功!\n"
- AuthorityMenu = "\n[%v] --> %v 视图已存在!\n"
- InitDataExist = "\n[%v] --> %v 表的初始数据已存在!\n"
- InitDataFailed = "\n[%v] --> %v 表初始数据失败! \nerr: %+v\n"
- InitDataSuccess = "\n[%v] --> %v 表初始数据成功!\n"
-type InitData interface {
- TableName() string
- Initialize() error
- CheckDataExist() bool
-// MysqlDataInitialize Mysql 初始化接口使用封装
-// Author [SliverHorn](https://github.com/SliverHorn)
-func MysqlDataInitialize(inits ...InitData) error {
- var entity SysMenu
- for i := 0; i < len(inits); i++ {
- if inits[i].TableName() == entity.TableName() {
- if k := inits[i].CheckDataExist(); k {
- color.Info.Printf(AuthorityMenu, Mysql, inits[i].TableName())
- continue
- }
- } else {
- if inits[i].CheckDataExist() {
- color.Info.Printf(InitDataExist, Mysql, inits[i].TableName())
- continue
- }
- }
- if err := inits[i].Initialize(); err != nil {
- color.Info.Printf(InitDataFailed, Mysql, err)
- return err
- } else {
- color.Info.Printf(InitDataSuccess, Mysql, inits[i].TableName())
- }
- }
- color.Info.Printf(InitSuccess, Mysql)
- return nil
-// PgsqlDataInitialize Pgsql 初始化接口使用封装
-// Author [SliverHorn](https://github.com/SliverHorn)
-func PgsqlDataInitialize(inits ...InitData) error {
- var entity SysMenu
- for i := 0; i < len(inits); i++ {
- if inits[i].TableName() == entity.TableName() {
- if k := inits[i].CheckDataExist(); k {
- color.Info.Printf(AuthorityMenu, Pgsql, inits[i].TableName())
- continue
- }
- } else {
- if inits[i].CheckDataExist() {
- color.Info.Printf(InitDataExist, Pgsql, inits[i].TableName())
- continue
- }
- }
- if err := inits[i].Initialize(); err != nil {
- color.Info.Printf(InitDataFailed, Pgsql, err)
- continue
- } else {
- color.Info.Printf(InitDataSuccess, Pgsql, inits[i].TableName())
- }
- }
- color.Info.Printf(InitSuccess, Pgsql)
- return nil
diff --git a/server/model/system/sys_user.go b/server/model/system/sys_user.go
index c8e841d74..41a49b9e7 100644
--- a/server/model/system/sys_user.go
+++ b/server/model/system/sys_user.go
@@ -21,3 +21,7 @@ type SysUser struct {
Phone string `json:"phone" gorm:"comment:用户手机号"` // 用户手机号
Email string `json:"email" gorm:"comment:用户邮箱"` // 用户邮箱
+func (SysUser) TableName() string {
+ return "sys_users"
diff --git a/server/router/example/exa_file_upload_and_download.go b/server/router/example/exa_file_upload_and_download.go
index 070c01b59..767f5bd64 100644
--- a/server/router/example/exa_file_upload_and_download.go
+++ b/server/router/example/exa_file_upload_and_download.go
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ func (e *FileUploadAndDownloadRouter) InitFileUploadAndDownloadRouter(Router *gi
fileUploadAndDownloadRouter.POST("upload", exaFileUploadAndDownloadApi.UploadFile) // 上传文件
fileUploadAndDownloadRouter.POST("getFileList", exaFileUploadAndDownloadApi.GetFileList) // 获取上传文件列表
fileUploadAndDownloadRouter.POST("deleteFile", exaFileUploadAndDownloadApi.DeleteFile) // 删除指定文件
+ fileUploadAndDownloadRouter.POST("editFileName", exaFileUploadAndDownloadApi.EditFileName) // 编辑文件名或者备注
fileUploadAndDownloadRouter.POST("breakpointContinue", exaFileUploadAndDownloadApi.BreakpointContinue) // 断点续传
fileUploadAndDownloadRouter.GET("findFile", exaFileUploadAndDownloadApi.FindFile) // 查询当前文件成功的切片
fileUploadAndDownloadRouter.POST("breakpointContinueFinish", exaFileUploadAndDownloadApi.BreakpointContinueFinish) // 查询当前文件成功的切片
diff --git a/server/service/enter.go b/server/service/enter.go
index 7f217afb5..90068d7e9 100644
--- a/server/service/enter.go
+++ b/server/service/enter.go
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import (
type ServiceGroup struct {
- SystemServiceGroup system.ServiceGroup
- ExampleServiceGroup example.ServiceGroup
+ SystemServiceGroup system.ServiceGroup
+ ExampleServiceGroup example.ServiceGroup
var ServiceGroupApp = new(ServiceGroup)
diff --git a/server/service/example/exa_file_upload_download.go b/server/service/example/exa_file_upload_download.go
index 1bbd0bd2b..3a725b154 100644
--- a/server/service/example/exa_file_upload_download.go
+++ b/server/service/example/exa_file_upload_download.go
@@ -53,6 +53,12 @@ func (e *FileUploadAndDownloadService) DeleteFile(file example.ExaFileUploadAndD
return err
+// EditFileName 编辑文件名或者备注
+func (e *FileUploadAndDownloadService) EditFileName(file example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload) (err error) {
+ var fileFromDb example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload
+ return global.GVA_DB.Where("id = ?", file.ID).First(&fileFromDb).Update("name", file.Name).Error
//@author: [piexlmax](https://github.com/piexlmax)
//@function: GetFileRecordInfoList
//@description: 分页获取数据
@@ -62,8 +68,12 @@ func (e *FileUploadAndDownloadService) DeleteFile(file example.ExaFileUploadAndD
func (e *FileUploadAndDownloadService) GetFileRecordInfoList(info request.PageInfo) (err error, list interface{}, total int64) {
limit := info.PageSize
offset := info.PageSize * (info.Page - 1)
+ keyword := info.Keyword
db := global.GVA_DB.Model(&example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{})
var fileLists []example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload
+ if len(keyword) > 0 {
+ db = db.Where("name LIKE ?", "%"+keyword+"%")
+ }
err = db.Count(&total).Error
if err != nil {
diff --git a/server/service/system/sys_auto_code_pgsql.go b/server/service/system/sys_auto_code_pgsql.go
index d29d88753..82a73f8ca 100644
--- a/server/service/system/sys_auto_code_pgsql.go
+++ b/server/service/system/sys_auto_code_pgsql.go
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package system
import (
- "strings"
@@ -74,17 +72,17 @@ func (a *autoCodePgsql) GetColumn(tableName string, dbName string) (data []respo
where attribute.attrelid =
(select oid from pg_class class where class.relname = '@table_name') and attname =columns.COLUMN_NAME )) as column_comment
- WHERE table_catalog = '@table_catalog'
+ WHERE table_catalog = '?'
and table_schema = 'public'
- and table_name = '@table_name';
+ and table_name = '?';
var entities []response.Column
db, _err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(global.GVA_CONFIG.Pgsql.LinkDsn(dbName)), &gorm.Config{Logger: logger.Default.LogMode(logger.Info)})
if _err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "[pgsql] 连接 数据库(%s)的表(%s)失败!", dbName, tableName)
- sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@table_catalog", dbName)
- sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@table_name", tableName)
- err = db.Raw(sql).Scan(&entities).Error
+ //sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@table_catalog", dbName)
+ //sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@table_name", tableName)
+ err = db.Raw(sql, dbName, tableName).Scan(&entities).Error
return entities, err
diff --git a/server/service/system/sys_initdb.go b/server/service/system/sys_initdb.go
index 31f4d755d..aff6ec1b5 100644
--- a/server/service/system/sys_initdb.go
+++ b/server/service/system/sys_initdb.go
@@ -1,65 +1,136 @@
package system
import (
+ "context"
+ "errors"
- adapter "github.com/casbin/gorm-adapter/v3"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/example"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "gorm.io/gorm"
+ "sort"
+const (
+ Mysql = "mysql"
+ Pgsql = "pgsql"
+ InitSuccess = "\n[%v] --> 初始数据成功!\n"
+ InitDataExist = "\n[%v] --> %v 的初始数据已存在!\n"
+ InitDataFailed = "\n[%v] --> %v 初始数据失败! \nerr: %+v\n"
+ InitDataSuccess = "\n[%v] --> %v 初始数据成功!\n"
+const (
+ InitOrderSystem = 10
+ InitOrderInternal = 1000
+ InitOrderExternal = 100000
+var (
+ ErrMissingDBContext = errors.New("missing db in context")
+ ErrMissingDependentContext = errors.New("missing dependent value in context")
+ ErrDBTypeMismatch = errors.New("db type mismatch")
+// SubInitializer 提供 source/*/init() 使用的接口,每个 initializer 完成一个初始化过程
+type SubInitializer interface {
+ InitializerName() string // 不一定代表单独一个表,所以改成了更宽泛的语义
+ MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (next context.Context, err error)
+ InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (next context.Context, err error)
+ TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool
+ DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool
+// TypedDBInitHandler 执行传入的 initializer
+type TypedDBInitHandler interface {
+ EnsureDB(ctx context.Context, conf *request.InitDB) (context.Context, error) // 建库,失败属于 fatal error,因此让它 panic
+ WriteConfig(ctx context.Context) error // 回写配置
+ InitTables(ctx context.Context, inits initSlice) error // 建表 handler
+ InitData(ctx context.Context, inits initSlice) error // 建数据 handler
+// orderedInitializer 组合一个顺序字段,以供排序
+type orderedInitializer struct {
+ order int
+ SubInitializer
+// initSlice 供 initializer 排序依赖时使用
+type initSlice []*orderedInitializer
+var (
+ initializers initSlice
+ cache map[string]*orderedInitializer
+// RegisterInit 注册要执行的初始化过程,会在 InitDB() 时调用
+func RegisterInit(order int, i SubInitializer) {
+ if initializers == nil {
+ initializers = initSlice{}
+ }
+ if cache == nil {
+ cache = map[string]*orderedInitializer{}
+ }
+ name := i.InitializerName()
+ if _, existed := cache[name]; existed {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Name conflict on %s", name))
+ }
+ ni := orderedInitializer{order, i}
+ initializers = append(initializers, &ni)
+ cache[name] = &ni
+/* ---- * service * ---- */
type InitDBService struct{}
// InitDB 创建数据库并初始化 总入口
-// Author [piexlmax](https://github.com/piexlmax)
-// Author [SliverHorn](https://github.com/SliverHorn)
-// Author [songzhibin97](https://github.com/songzhibin97)
-func (initDBService *InitDBService) InitDB(conf request.InitDB) error {
+func (initDBService *InitDBService) InitDB(conf request.InitDB) (err error) {
+ ctx := context.TODO()
+ if len(initializers) == 0 {
+ return errors.New("无可用初始化过程,请检查初始化是否已执行完成")
+ }
+ sort.Sort(&initializers) // 保证有依赖的 initializer 排在后面执行
+ // Note: 若 initializer 只有单一依赖,可以写为 B=A+1, C=A+1; 由于 BC 之间没有依赖关系,所以谁先谁后并不影响初始化
+ // 若存在多个依赖,可以写为 C=A+B, D=A+B+C, E=A+1;
+ // C必然>A|B,因此在AB之后执行,D必然>A|B|C,因此在ABC后执行,而E只依赖A,顺序与CD无关,因此E与CD哪个先执行并不影响
+ var initHandler TypedDBInitHandler
switch conf.DBType {
case "mysql":
- return initDBService.initMysqlDB(conf)
+ initHandler = NewMysqlInitHandler()
+ ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "dbtype", "mysql")
case "pgsql":
- return initDBService.initPgsqlDB(conf)
+ initHandler = NewPgsqlInitHandler()
+ ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "dbtype", "pgsql")
- return initDBService.initMysqlDB(conf)
+ initHandler = NewMysqlInitHandler()
+ ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "dbtype", "mysql")
+ ctx, err = initHandler.EnsureDB(ctx, &conf)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ db := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ global.GVA_DB = db
+ if err = initHandler.WriteConfig(ctx); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = initHandler.InitTables(ctx, initializers); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = initHandler.InitData(ctx, initializers); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ initializers = initSlice{}
+ cache = map[string]*orderedInitializer{}
+ return nil
-// initTables 初始化表
-// Author [SliverHorn](https://github.com/SliverHorn)
-func (initDBService *InitDBService) initTables() error {
- return global.GVA_DB.AutoMigrate(
- system.SysApi{},
- system.SysUser{},
- system.SysBaseMenu{},
- system.SysAuthority{},
- system.JwtBlacklist{},
- system.SysDictionary{},
- system.SysAutoCodeHistory{},
- system.SysOperationRecord{},
- system.SysDictionaryDetail{},
- system.SysBaseMenuParameter{},
- system.SysBaseMenuBtn{},
- system.SysAuthorityBtn{},
- system.SysAutoCode{},
- adapter.CasbinRule{},
- example.ExaFile{},
- example.ExaCustomer{},
- example.ExaFileChunk{},
- example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{},
- )
-// createDatabase 创建数据库(mysql)
-// Author [SliverHorn](https://github.com/SliverHorn)
-// Author: [songzhibin97](https://github.com/songzhibin97)
-func (initDBService *InitDBService) createDatabase(dsn string, driver string, createSql string) error {
+// createDatabase 创建数据库( EnsureDB() 中调用 )
+func createDatabase(dsn string, driver string, createSql string) error {
db, err := sql.Open(driver, dsn)
if err != nil {
return err
@@ -76,3 +147,35 @@ func (initDBService *InitDBService) createDatabase(dsn string, driver string, cr
_, err = db.Exec(createSql)
return err
+// createTables 创建表(默认 dbInitHandler.initTables 行为)
+func createTables(ctx context.Context, inits initSlice) error {
+ next, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
+ defer func(c func()) { c() }(cancel)
+ for _, init := range inits {
+ if init.TableCreated(next) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if n, err := init.MigrateTable(next); err != nil {
+ return err
+ } else {
+ next = n
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+/* -- sortable interface -- */
+func (a initSlice) Len() int {
+ return len(a)
+func (a initSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return a[i].order < a[j].order
+func (a initSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
+ a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
diff --git a/server/service/system/sys_initdb_mysql.go b/server/service/system/sys_initdb_mysql.go
index 66220d7b0..ff941844a 100644
--- a/server/service/system/sys_initdb_mysql.go
+++ b/server/service/system/sys_initdb_mysql.go
@@ -1,27 +1,36 @@
package system
import (
+ "context"
+ "errors"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/config"
+ "github.com/gookit/color"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/config"
- model "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/source/example"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/source/system"
uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
-// writeMysqlConfig mysql回写配置
-// Author [SliverHorn](https://github.com/SliverHorn)
-// Author [songzhibin97](https://github.com/songzhibin97)
-func (initDBService *InitDBService) writeMysqlConfig(mysql config.Mysql) error {
- global.GVA_CONFIG.Mysql = mysql
+type MysqlInitHandler struct{}
+func NewMysqlInitHandler() *MysqlInitHandler {
+ return &MysqlInitHandler{}
+// WriteConfig mysql回写配置
+func (h MysqlInitHandler) WriteConfig(ctx context.Context) error {
+ c, ok := ctx.Value("config").(config.Mysql)
+ if !ok {
+ return errors.New("mysql config invalid")
+ }
+ global.GVA_CONFIG.System.DbType = "mysql"
+ global.GVA_CONFIG.Mysql = c
cs := utils.StructToMap(global.GVA_CONFIG)
for k, v := range cs {
global.GVA_VP.Set(k, v)
@@ -30,66 +39,55 @@ func (initDBService *InitDBService) writeMysqlConfig(mysql config.Mysql) error {
return global.GVA_VP.WriteConfig()
-// initMysqlDB 创建数据库并初始化 mysql
-// Author [piexlmax](https://github.com/piexlmax)
-// Author [SliverHorn](https://github.com/SliverHorn)
-// Author: [songzhibin97](https://github.com/songzhibin97)
-func (initDBService *InitDBService) initMysqlDB(conf request.InitDB) error {
+// EnsureDB 创建数据库并初始化 mysql
+func (h MysqlInitHandler) EnsureDB(ctx context.Context, conf *request.InitDB) (next context.Context, err error) {
+ if s, ok := ctx.Value("dbtype").(string); !ok || s != "mysql" {
+ return ctx, ErrDBTypeMismatch
+ }
dsn := conf.MysqlEmptyDsn()
createSql := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `%s` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;", conf.DBName)
- if err := initDBService.createDatabase(dsn, "mysql", createSql); err != nil {
- return err
+ if err = createDatabase(dsn, "mysql", createSql); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
} // 创建数据库
- mysqlConfig := conf.ToMysqlConfig()
- if mysqlConfig.Dbname == "" {
- return nil
+ c := conf.ToMysqlConfig()
+ next = context.WithValue(ctx, "config", c)
+ if c.Dbname == "" {
+ return ctx, nil
} // 如果没有数据库名, 则跳出初始化数据
- if db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{
- DSN: mysqlConfig.Dsn(), // DSN data source name
- DefaultStringSize: 191, // string 类型字段的默认长度
- SkipInitializeWithVersion: true, // 根据版本自动配置
+ var db *gorm.DB
+ if db, err = gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{
+ DSN: c.Dsn(), // DSN data source name
+ DefaultStringSize: 191, // string 类型字段的默认长度
+ SkipInitializeWithVersion: true, // 根据版本自动配置
}), &gorm.Config{DisableForeignKeyConstraintWhenMigrating: true}); err != nil {
- return nil
- } else {
- global.GVA_DB = db
+ return ctx, err
- if err := initDBService.initTables(); err != nil {
- global.GVA_DB = nil
- return err
- }
- if err := initDBService.initMysqlData(); err != nil {
- global.GVA_DB = nil
- return err
- }
- if err := initDBService.writeMysqlConfig(mysqlConfig); err != nil {
- return err
- }
global.GVA_CONFIG.AutoCode.Root, _ = filepath.Abs("..")
+ next = context.WithValue(next, "db", db)
+ return next, err
+func (h MysqlInitHandler) InitTables(ctx context.Context, inits initSlice) error {
+ return createTables(ctx, inits)
+func (h MysqlInitHandler) InitData(ctx context.Context, inits initSlice) error {
+ next, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
+ defer func(c func()) { c() }(cancel)
+ for _, init := range inits {
+ if init.DataInserted(next) {
+ color.Info.Printf(InitDataExist, Mysql, init.InitializerName())
+ continue
+ }
+ if n, err := init.InitializeData(next); err != nil {
+ color.Info.Printf(InitDataFailed, Mysql, err)
+ return err
+ } else {
+ next = n
+ color.Info.Printf(InitDataSuccess, Mysql, init.InitializerName())
+ }
+ }
+ color.Info.Printf(InitSuccess, Mysql)
return nil
-// initData mysql 初始化数据
-// Author [SliverHorn](https://github.com/SliverHorn)
-// Author: [songzhibin97](https://github.com/songzhibin97)
-func (initDBService *InitDBService) initMysqlData() error {
- return model.MysqlDataInitialize(
- system.Api,
- system.User,
- system.Casbin,
- system.BaseMenu,
- system.Authority,
- system.Dictionary,
- system.UserAuthority,
- system.DataAuthorities,
- system.AuthoritiesMenus,
- system.DictionaryDetail,
- system.ViewAuthorityMenuMysql,
- example.FileMysql,
- )
diff --git a/server/service/system/sys_initdb_pgsql.go b/server/service/system/sys_initdb_pgsql.go
index 09f9c5011..85185adc8 100644
--- a/server/service/system/sys_initdb_pgsql.go
+++ b/server/service/system/sys_initdb_pgsql.go
@@ -1,26 +1,36 @@
package system
import (
+ "context"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/config"
+ "github.com/gookit/color"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/config"
- model "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/source/example"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/source/system"
uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
-// writePgsqlConfig pgsql 回写配置
-// Author [SliverHorn](https://github.com/SliverHorn)
-func (initDBService *InitDBService) writePgsqlConfig(pgsql config.Pgsql) error {
+type PgsqlInitHandler struct{}
+func NewPgsqlInitHandler() *PgsqlInitHandler {
+ return &PgsqlInitHandler{}
+// WriteConfig pgsql 回写配置
+func (h PgsqlInitHandler) WriteConfig(ctx context.Context) error {
+ c, ok := ctx.Value("config").(config.Pgsql)
+ if !ok {
+ return errors.New("postgresql config invalid")
+ }
global.GVA_CONFIG.System.DbType = "pgsql"
- global.GVA_CONFIG.Pgsql = pgsql
+ global.GVA_CONFIG.Pgsql = c
cs := utils.StructToMap(global.GVA_CONFIG)
for k, v := range cs {
global.GVA_VP.Set(k, v)
@@ -29,61 +39,54 @@ func (initDBService *InitDBService) writePgsqlConfig(pgsql config.Pgsql) error {
return global.GVA_VP.WriteConfig()
-func (initDBService *InitDBService) initPgsqlDB(conf request.InitDB) error {
+// EnsureDB 创建数据库并初始化 pg
+func (h PgsqlInitHandler) EnsureDB(ctx context.Context, conf *request.InitDB) (next context.Context, err error) {
+ if s, ok := ctx.Value("dbtype").(string); !ok || s != "pgsql" {
+ return ctx, ErrDBTypeMismatch
+ }
dsn := conf.PgsqlEmptyDsn()
- createSql := "CREATE DATABASE " + conf.DBName
- if err := initDBService.createDatabase(dsn, "pgx", createSql); err != nil {
- return err
+ createSql := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE DATABASE %s;", conf.DBName)
+ if err = createDatabase(dsn, "pgx", createSql); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
} // 创建数据库
- pgsqlConfig := conf.ToPgsqlConfig()
- if pgsqlConfig.Dbname == "" {
- return nil
+ c := conf.ToPgsqlConfig()
+ next = context.WithValue(ctx, "config", c)
+ if c.Dbname == "" {
+ return ctx, nil
} // 如果没有数据库名, 则跳出初始化数据
- if db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
- DSN: pgsqlConfig.Dsn(), // DSN data source name
+ var db *gorm.DB
+ if db, err = gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
+ DSN: c.Dsn(), // DSN data source name
PreferSimpleProtocol: false,
}), &gorm.Config{DisableForeignKeyConstraintWhenMigrating: true}); err != nil {
- return nil
- } else {
- global.GVA_DB = db
+ return ctx, err
- if err := initDBService.initTables(); err != nil {
- global.GVA_DB = nil
- return err
- }
- if err := initDBService.initPgsqlData(); err != nil {
- global.GVA_DB = nil
- return err
- }
- if err := initDBService.writePgsqlConfig(pgsqlConfig); err != nil {
- return err
- }
global.GVA_CONFIG.AutoCode.Root, _ = filepath.Abs("..")
+ next = context.WithValue(next, "db", db)
+ return next, err
+func (h PgsqlInitHandler) InitTables(ctx context.Context, inits initSlice) error {
+ return createTables(ctx, inits)
+func (h PgsqlInitHandler) InitData(ctx context.Context, inits initSlice) error {
+ next, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
+ defer func(c func()) { c() }(cancel)
+ for i := 0; i < len(inits); i++ {
+ if inits[i].DataInserted(next) {
+ color.Info.Printf(InitDataExist, Pgsql, inits[i].InitializerName())
+ continue
+ }
+ if n, err := inits[i].InitializeData(next); err != nil {
+ color.Info.Printf(InitDataFailed, Pgsql, err)
+ return err
+ } else {
+ next = n
+ color.Info.Printf(InitDataSuccess, Pgsql, inits[i].InitializerName())
+ }
+ }
+ color.Info.Printf(InitSuccess, Pgsql)
return nil
-// initPgsqlData pgsql 初始化数据
-// Author [SliverHorn](https://github.com/SliverHorn)
-func (initDBService *InitDBService) initPgsqlData() error {
- return model.PgsqlDataInitialize(
- system.Api,
- system.User,
- system.Casbin,
- system.BaseMenu,
- system.Authority,
- system.Dictionary,
- system.UserAuthority,
- system.DataAuthorities,
- system.AuthoritiesMenus,
- system.DictionaryDetail,
- system.ViewAuthorityMenuPostgres,
- example.FilePgsql,
- )
diff --git a/server/source/example/file_mysql.go b/server/source/example/file_mysql.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a4ab4284e..000000000
--- a/server/source/example/file_mysql.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package example
-import (
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/example"
- "github.com/pkg/errors"
- "gorm.io/gorm"
-var FileMysql = new(fileMysql)
-type fileMysql struct{}
-func (f *fileMysql) TableName() string {
- return "exa_file_upload_and_downloads"
-func (f *fileMysql) Initialize() error {
- entities := []example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{
- {Name: "10.png", Url: "https://qmplusimg.henrongyi.top/gvalogo.png", Tag: "png", Key: "158787308910.png"},
- {Name: "logo.png", Url: "https://qmplusimg.henrongyi.top/1576554439myAvatar.png", Tag: "png", Key: "1587973709logo.png"},
- }
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, f.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
- }
- return nil
-func (f *fileMysql) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("`name` = ? AND `key` = ?", "logo.png", "1587973709logo.png").First(&example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
- return false
- }
- return true
diff --git a/server/source/example/file_pgsql.go b/server/source/example/file_pgsql.go
deleted file mode 100644
index de40be90c..000000000
--- a/server/source/example/file_pgsql.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package example
-import (
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/example"
- "github.com/pkg/errors"
- "gorm.io/gorm"
-var FilePgsql = new(filePgsql)
-type filePgsql struct{}
-func (f *filePgsql) TableName() string {
- return "exa_file_upload_and_downloads"
-func (f *filePgsql) Initialize() error {
- entities := []example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{
- {Name: "10.png", Url: "https://qmplusimg.henrongyi.top/gvalogo.png", Tag: "png", Key: "158787308910.png"},
- {Name: "logo.png", Url: "https://qmplusimg.henrongyi.top/1576554439myAvatar.png", Tag: "png", Key: "1587973709logo.png"},
- }
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, f.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
- }
- return nil
-func (f *filePgsql) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("name = ? AND key = ?", "logo.png", "1587973709logo.png").First(&example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
- return false
- }
- return true
diff --git a/server/source/example/file_upload_download.go b/server/source/example/file_upload_download.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f39dcf2e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/source/example/file_upload_download.go
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package example
+import (
+ "context"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/example"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
+ "github.com/pkg/errors"
+ "gorm.io/gorm"
+const initOrderExaFile = system.InitOrderInternal + 1
+type initExaFileMysql struct{}
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderExaFile, &initExaFileMysql{})
+func (i *initExaFileMysql) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ return ctx, db.AutoMigrate(&example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{})
+func (i *initExaFileMysql) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return db.Migrator().HasTable(&example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{})
+func (i initExaFileMysql) InitializerName() string {
+ return example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{}.TableName()
+func (i *initExaFileMysql) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ entities := []example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{
+ {Name: "10.png", Url: "https://qmplusimg.henrongyi.top/gvalogo.png", Tag: "png", Key: "158787308910.png"},
+ {Name: "logo.png", Url: "https://qmplusimg.henrongyi.top/1576554439myAvatar.png", Tag: "png", Key: "1587973709logo.png"},
+ }
+ if err := db.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{}.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
+ }
+ return ctx, nil
+func (i *initExaFileMysql) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ lookup := example.ExaFileUploadAndDownload{Name: "logo.png", Key: "1587973709logo.png"}
+ if errors.Is(db.First(&lookup, &lookup).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
diff --git a/server/source/system/api.go b/server/source/system/api.go
index 26df7fc08..ec6ccd02e 100644
--- a/server/source/system/api.go
+++ b/server/source/system/api.go
@@ -1,22 +1,48 @@
package system
import (
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "context"
+ sysModel "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
-var Api = new(api)
+type initApi struct{}
-type api struct{}
+const initOrderApi = system.InitOrderSystem + 1
-func (a *api) TableName() string {
- return "sys_apis"
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderApi, &initApi{})
-func (a *api) Initialize() error {
- entities := []system.SysApi{
+func (i initApi) InitializerName() string {
+ return sysModel.SysApi{}.TableName()
+func (i *initApi) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ return ctx, db.AutoMigrate(&sysModel.SysApi{})
+func (i *initApi) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return db.Migrator().HasTable(&sysModel.SysApi{})
+func (i *initApi) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ entities := []sysModel.SysApi{
{ApiGroup: "base", Method: "POST", Path: "/base/login", Description: "用户登录(必选)"},
{ApiGroup: "jwt", Method: "POST", Path: "/jwt/jsonInBlacklist", Description: "jwt加入黑名单(退出,必选)"},
@@ -94,10 +120,6 @@ func (a *api) Initialize() error {
{ApiGroup: "代码生成器历史", Method: "POST", Path: "/autoCode/getSysHistory", Description: "查询回滚记录"},
{ApiGroup: "代码生成器历史", Method: "POST", Path: "/autoCode/delSysHistory", Description: "删除回滚记录"},
{ApiGroup: "系统字典详情", Method: "PUT", Path: "/sysDictionaryDetail/updateSysDictionaryDetail", Description: "更新字典内容"},
{ApiGroup: "系统字典详情", Method: "POST", Path: "/sysDictionaryDetail/createSysDictionaryDetail", Description: "新增字典内容"},
{ApiGroup: "系统字典详情", Method: "DELETE", Path: "/sysDictionaryDetail/deleteSysDictionaryDetail", Description: "删除字典内容"},
@@ -132,14 +154,20 @@ func (a *api) Initialize() error {
{ApiGroup: "按钮权限", Method: "POST", Path: "/authorityBtn/getAuthorityBtn", Description: "获取已有按钮权限"},
{ApiGroup: "按钮权限", Method: "POST", Path: "/authorityBtn/canRemoveAuthorityBtn", Description: "删除按钮"},
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, a.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
+ if err := db.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, sysModel.SysApi{}.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
- return nil
+ next := context.WithValue(ctx, i.InitializerName(), entities)
+ return next, nil
-func (a *api) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("path = ? AND method = ?", "/excel/downloadTemplate", "GET").First(&system.SysApi{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
+func (i *initApi) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ if errors.Is(db.Where("path = ? AND method = ?", "/authorityBtn/canRemoveAuthorityBtn", "POST").
+ First(&sysModel.SysApi{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
return false
return true
diff --git a/server/source/system/authorities_menus.go b/server/source/system/authorities_menus.go
index bf77dafe3..7f4d8308e 100644
--- a/server/source/system/authorities_menus.go
+++ b/server/source/system/authorities_menus.go
@@ -1,97 +1,82 @@
package system
import (
- "reflect"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "context"
+ sysModel "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
- "gorm.io/gorm/schema"
-var AuthoritiesMenus = new(authoritiesMenus)
+const initOrderMenuAuthority = initOrderMenu + initOrderAuthority
-type authoritiesMenus struct{}
+type initMenuAuthority struct{}
-func (a *authoritiesMenus) TableName() string {
- var entity AuthorityMenus
- return entity.TableName()
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderMenuAuthority, &initMenuAuthority{})
-func (a *authoritiesMenus) Initialize() error {
- entities := []AuthorityMenus{
- {BaseMenuId: 1, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 2, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 3, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 4, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 5, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 6, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 7, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 8, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 9, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 10, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 11, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 12, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 13, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 14, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 15, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 16, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 17, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 18, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 19, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 20, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 22, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 23, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 24, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 25, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 26, AuthorityId: "888"},
- {BaseMenuId: 1, AuthorityId: "8881"},
- {BaseMenuId: 2, AuthorityId: "8881"},
- {BaseMenuId: 8, AuthorityId: "8881"},
- {BaseMenuId: 1, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 2, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 3, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 4, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 5, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 6, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 7, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 8, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 9, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 10, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 11, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 12, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 14, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 15, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 16, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- {BaseMenuId: 17, AuthorityId: "9528"},
- }
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, a.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
- }
- return nil
+func (i *initMenuAuthority) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ return ctx, nil // do nothing
-func (a *authoritiesMenus) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("sys_base_menu_id = ? AND sys_authority_authority_id = ?", 17, "9528").First(&AuthorityMenus{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
+func (i *initMenuAuthority) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ return false // always replace
+func (i initMenuAuthority) InitializerName() string {
+ return "sys_menu_authorities"
+func (i *initMenuAuthority) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (next context.Context, err error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ authorities, ok := ctx.Value(initAuthority{}.InitializerName()).([]sysModel.SysAuthority)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(system.ErrMissingDependentContext, "创建 [菜单-权限] 关联失败, 未找到权限表初始化数据")
+ }
+ menus, ok := ctx.Value(initMenu{}.InitializerName()).([]sysModel.SysBaseMenu)
+ if !ok {
+ return next, errors.Wrap(errors.New(""), "创建 [菜单-权限] 关联失败, 未找到菜单表初始化数据")
+ }
+ next = ctx
+ // 888
+ if err = db.Model(&authorities[0]).Association("SysBaseMenus").Replace(menus[:20]); err != nil {
+ return next, err
+ }
+ if err = db.Model(&authorities[0]).Association("SysBaseMenus").Append(menus[21:]); err != nil {
+ return next, err
+ }
+ // 8881
+ menu8881 := menus[:2]
+ menu8881 = append(menu8881, menus[7])
+ if err = db.Model(&authorities[1]).Association("SysBaseMenus").Replace(menu8881); err != nil {
+ return next, err
+ }
+ // 9528
+ if err = db.Model(&authorities[2]).Association("SysBaseMenus").Replace(menus[:12]); err != nil {
+ return next, err
+ }
+ if err = db.Model(&authorities[2]).Association("SysBaseMenus").Append(menus[13:17]); err != nil {
+ return next, err
+ }
+ return next, nil
+func (i *initMenuAuthority) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
return false
- return true
-type AuthorityMenus struct {
- AuthorityId string `gorm:"column:sys_authority_authority_id"`
- BaseMenuId uint `gorm:"column:sys_base_menu_id"`
-func (a *AuthorityMenus) TableName() string {
- var entity system.SysAuthority
- types := reflect.TypeOf(entity)
- if s, o := types.FieldByName("SysBaseMenus"); o {
- m1 := schema.ParseTagSetting(s.Tag.Get("gorm"), ";")
- return m1["MANY2MANY"]
+ var count int64
+ if err := db.Model(&sysModel.SysAuthority{}).
+ Where("authority_id = ?", "9528").Preload("SysBaseMenus").Count(&count); err != nil {
+ return count == 16
- return ""
+ return false
diff --git a/server/source/system/authority.go b/server/source/system/authority.go
index c92ff2217..5a80224c2 100644
--- a/server/source/system/authority.go
+++ b/server/source/system/authority.go
@@ -1,34 +1,86 @@
package system
import (
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "context"
+ sysModel "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
-var Authority = new(authority)
+const initOrderAuthority = initOrderCasbin + 1
-type authority struct{}
+type initAuthority struct{}
-func (a *authority) TableName() string {
- return "sys_authorities"
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderAuthority, &initAuthority{})
-func (a *authority) Initialize() error {
- entities := []system.SysAuthority{
+func (i *initAuthority) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ return ctx, db.AutoMigrate(&sysModel.SysAuthority{})
+func (i *initAuthority) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return db.Migrator().HasTable(&sysModel.SysAuthority{})
+func (i initAuthority) InitializerName() string {
+ return sysModel.SysAuthority{}.TableName()
+func (i *initAuthority) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ entities := []sysModel.SysAuthority{
{AuthorityId: "888", AuthorityName: "普通用户", ParentId: "0", DefaultRouter: "dashboard"},
{AuthorityId: "9528", AuthorityName: "测试角色", ParentId: "0", DefaultRouter: "dashboard"},
{AuthorityId: "8881", AuthorityName: "普通用户子角色", ParentId: "888", DefaultRouter: "dashboard"},
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrapf(err, "%s表数据初始化失败!", a.TableName())
+ if err := db.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrapf(err, "%s表数据初始化失败!", sysModel.SysAuthority{}.TableName())
- return nil
+ // data authority
+ if err := db.Model(&entities[0]).Association("DataAuthorityId").Replace(
+ []*sysModel.SysAuthority{
+ {AuthorityId: "888"},
+ {AuthorityId: "9528"},
+ {AuthorityId: "8881"},
+ }); err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrapf(err, "%s表数据初始化失败!",
+ db.Model(&entities[0]).Association("DataAuthorityId").Relationship.JoinTable.Name)
+ }
+ if err := db.Model(&entities[1]).Association("DataAuthorityId").Replace(
+ []*sysModel.SysAuthority{
+ {AuthorityId: "9528"},
+ {AuthorityId: "8881"},
+ }); err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrapf(err, "%s表数据初始化失败!",
+ db.Model(&entities[1]).Association("DataAuthorityId").Relationship.JoinTable.Name)
+ }
+ next := context.WithValue(ctx, i.InitializerName(), entities)
+ return next, nil
-func (a *authority) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("authority_id = ?", "8881").First(&system.SysAuthority{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
+func (i *initAuthority) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ if errors.Is(db.Where("authority_id = ?", "8881").
+ First(&sysModel.SysAuthority{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
return false
return true
diff --git a/server/source/system/casbin.go b/server/source/system/casbin.go
index a67c2db38..fcac63ac4 100644
--- a/server/source/system/casbin.go
+++ b/server/source/system/casbin.go
@@ -1,22 +1,48 @@
package system
import (
+ "context"
adapter "github.com/casbin/gorm-adapter/v3"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
-var Casbin = new(casbin)
+const initOrderCasbin = initOrderApi + 1
-type casbin struct{}
+type initCasbin struct{}
-func (c *casbin) TableName() string {
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderCasbin, &initCasbin{})
+func (i *initCasbin) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ return ctx, db.AutoMigrate(&adapter.CasbinRule{})
+func (i *initCasbin) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return db.Migrator().HasTable(&adapter.CasbinRule{})
+func (i initCasbin) InitializerName() string {
var entity adapter.CasbinRule
return entity.TableName()
-func (c *casbin) Initialize() error {
+func (i *initCasbin) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
entities := []adapter.CasbinRule{
{PType: "p", V0: "888", V1: "/base/login", V2: "POST"},
{PType: "p", V0: "888", V1: "/user/admin_register", V2: "POST"},
@@ -208,14 +234,20 @@ func (c *casbin) Initialize() error {
{PType: "p", V0: "9528", V1: "/autoCode/createTemp", V2: "POST"},
{PType: "p", V0: "9528", V1: "/user/getUserInfo", V2: "GET"},
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, c.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
+ if err := db.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "Casbin 表 ("+i.InitializerName()+") 数据初始化失败!")
- return nil
+ next := context.WithValue(ctx, i.InitializerName(), entities)
+ return next, nil
-func (c *casbin) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where(adapter.CasbinRule{PType: "p", V0: "9528", V1: "GET", V2: "/user/getUserInfo"}).First(&adapter.CasbinRule{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
+func (i *initCasbin) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ if errors.Is(db.Where(adapter.CasbinRule{PType: "p", V0: "9528", V1: "GET", V2: "/user/getUserInfo"}).
+ First(&adapter.CasbinRule{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
return false
return true
diff --git a/server/source/system/data_authorities.go b/server/source/system/data_authorities.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 33b644d64..000000000
--- a/server/source/system/data_authorities.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-package system
-import (
- "reflect"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
- "github.com/pkg/errors"
- "gorm.io/gorm"
- "gorm.io/gorm/schema"
-var DataAuthorities = new(dataAuthorities)
-type dataAuthorities struct{}
-func (a *dataAuthorities) TableName() string {
- var entity AuthoritiesResources
- return entity.TableName()
-func (a *dataAuthorities) Initialize() error {
- entities := []AuthoritiesResources{
- {AuthorityId: "888", ResourcesId: "888"},
- {AuthorityId: "888", ResourcesId: "8881"},
- {AuthorityId: "888", ResourcesId: "9528"},
- {AuthorityId: "9528", ResourcesId: "8881"},
- {AuthorityId: "9528", ResourcesId: "9528"},
- }
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, a.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
- }
- return nil
-func (a *dataAuthorities) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("sys_authority_authority_id = ? AND data_authority_id_authority_id = ?", "9528", "9528").First(&AuthoritiesResources{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
- return false
- }
- return true
-// AuthoritiesResources 角色资源表
-type AuthoritiesResources struct {
- AuthorityId string `gorm:"column:sys_authority_authority_id"`
- ResourcesId string `gorm:"column:data_authority_id_authority_id"`
-func (a *AuthoritiesResources) TableName() string {
- var entity system.SysAuthority
- types := reflect.TypeOf(entity)
- if s, o := types.FieldByName("DataAuthorityId"); o {
- m1 := schema.ParseTagSetting(s.Tag.Get("gorm"), ";")
- return m1["MANY2MANY"]
- }
- return ""
diff --git a/server/source/system/dictionary.go b/server/source/system/dictionary.go
index 035305f56..001496327 100644
--- a/server/source/system/dictionary.go
+++ b/server/source/system/dictionary.go
@@ -1,39 +1,70 @@
package system
import (
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "context"
+ sysModel "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
-var Dictionary = new(dictionary)
+const initOrderDict = initOrderCasbin + 1
-type dictionary struct{}
+type initDict struct{}
-func (d *dictionary) TableName() string {
- return "sys_dictionaries"
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderDict, &initDict{})
-func (d *dictionary) Initialize() error {
- status := new(bool)
- *status = true
- entities := []system.SysDictionary{
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 1}, Name: "性别", Type: "gender", Status: status, Desc: "性别字典"},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 2}, Name: "数据库int类型", Type: "int", Status: status, Desc: "int类型对应的数据库类型"},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 3}, Name: "数据库时间日期类型", Type: "time.Time", Status: status, Desc: "数据库时间日期类型"},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 4}, Name: "数据库浮点型", Type: "float64", Status: status, Desc: "数据库浮点型"},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 5}, Name: "数据库字符串", Type: "string", Status: status, Desc: "数据库字符串"},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 6}, Name: "数据库bool类型", Type: "bool", Status: status, Desc: "数据库bool类型"},
+func (i *initDict) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, d.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
- }
- return nil
+ return ctx, db.AutoMigrate(&sysModel.SysDictionary{})
-func (d *dictionary) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("type = ?", "bool").First(&system.SysDictionary{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
+func (i *initDict) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return db.Migrator().HasTable(&sysModel.SysDictionary{})
+func (i initDict) InitializerName() string {
+ return sysModel.SysDictionary{}.TableName()
+func (i *initDict) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (next context.Context, err error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ True := true
+ entities := []sysModel.SysDictionary{
+ {Name: "性别", Type: "gender", Status: &True, Desc: "性别字典"},
+ {Name: "数据库int类型", Type: "int", Status: &True, Desc: "int类型对应的数据库类型"},
+ {Name: "数据库时间日期类型", Type: "time.Time", Status: &True, Desc: "数据库时间日期类型"},
+ {Name: "数据库浮点型", Type: "float64", Status: &True, Desc: "数据库浮点型"},
+ {Name: "数据库字符串", Type: "string", Status: &True, Desc: "数据库字符串"},
+ {Name: "数据库bool类型", Type: "bool", Status: &True, Desc: "数据库bool类型"},
+ }
+ if err = db.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, sysModel.SysDictionary{}.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
+ }
+ next = context.WithValue(ctx, i.InitializerName(), entities)
+ return next, nil
+func (i *initDict) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ if errors.Is(db.Where("type = ?", "bool").First(&sysModel.SysDictionary{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
return false
return true
diff --git a/server/source/system/dictionary_detail.go b/server/source/system/dictionary_detail.go
index f0563d80d..8fabfbcb0 100644
--- a/server/source/system/dictionary_detail.go
+++ b/server/source/system/dictionary_detail.go
@@ -1,59 +1,113 @@
package system
import (
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ sysModel "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
-var DictionaryDetail = new(dictionaryDetail)
+const initOrderDictDetail = initOrderDict + 1
-type dictionaryDetail struct{}
+type initDictDetail struct{}
-func (d *dictionaryDetail) TableName() string {
- return "sys_dictionary_details"
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderDictDetail, &initDictDetail{})
-func (d *dictionaryDetail) Initialize() error {
- status := new(bool)
- *status = true
- entities := []system.SysDictionaryDetail{
- {Label: "男", Value: 1, Status: status, Sort: 1, SysDictionaryID: 1},
- {Label: "女", Value: 2, Status: status, Sort: 2, SysDictionaryID: 1},
- {Label: "smallint", Value: 1, Status: status, Sort: 1, SysDictionaryID: 2},
- {Label: "mediumint", Value: 2, Status: status, Sort: 2, SysDictionaryID: 2},
- {Label: "int", Value: 3, Status: status, Sort: 3, SysDictionaryID: 2},
- {Label: "bigint", Value: 4, Status: status, Sort: 4, SysDictionaryID: 2},
- {Label: "date", Status: status, SysDictionaryID: 3},
- {Label: "time", Value: 1, Status: status, Sort: 1, SysDictionaryID: 3},
- {Label: "year", Value: 2, Status: status, Sort: 2, SysDictionaryID: 3},
- {Label: "datetime", Value: 3, Status: status, Sort: 3, SysDictionaryID: 3},
- {Label: "timestamp", Value: 5, Status: status, Sort: 5, SysDictionaryID: 3},
- {Label: "float", Status: status, SysDictionaryID: 4},
- {Label: "double", Value: 1, Status: status, Sort: 1, SysDictionaryID: 4},
- {Label: "decimal", Value: 2, Status: status, Sort: 2, SysDictionaryID: 4},
- {Label: "char", Status: status, SysDictionaryID: 5},
- {Label: "varchar", Value: 1, Status: status, Sort: 1, SysDictionaryID: 5},
- {Label: "tinyblob", Value: 2, Status: status, Sort: 2, SysDictionaryID: 5},
- {Label: "tinytext", Value: 3, Status: status, Sort: 3, SysDictionaryID: 5},
- {Label: "text", Value: 4, Status: status, Sort: 4, SysDictionaryID: 5},
- {Label: "blob", Value: 5, Status: status, Sort: 5, SysDictionaryID: 5},
- {Label: "mediumblob", Value: 6, Status: status, Sort: 6, SysDictionaryID: 5},
- {Label: "mediumtext", Value: 7, Status: status, Sort: 7, SysDictionaryID: 5},
- {Label: "longblob", Value: 8, Status: status, Sort: 8, SysDictionaryID: 5},
- {Label: "longtext", Value: 9, Status: status, Sort: 9, SysDictionaryID: 5},
- {Label: "tinyint", Status: status, SysDictionaryID: 6},
+func (i *initDictDetail) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, d.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
- }
- return nil
+ return ctx, db.AutoMigrate(&sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{})
-func (d *dictionaryDetail) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("id = ?", 23).First(&system.SysDictionaryDetail{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
+func (i *initDictDetail) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
return false
- return true
+ return db.Migrator().HasTable(&sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{})
+func (i initDictDetail) InitializerName() string {
+ return sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{}.TableName()
+func (i *initDictDetail) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ dicts, ok := ctx.Value(initDict{}.InitializerName()).([]sysModel.SysDictionary)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(system.ErrMissingDependentContext,
+ fmt.Sprintf("未找到 %s 表初始化数据", sysModel.SysDictionary{}.TableName()))
+ }
+ True := true
+ dicts[0].SysDictionaryDetails = []sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{
+ {Label: "男", Value: 1, Status: &True, Sort: 1},
+ {Label: "女", Value: 2, Status: &True, Sort: 2},
+ }
+ dicts[1].SysDictionaryDetails = []sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{
+ {Label: "smallint", Value: 1, Status: &True, Sort: 1},
+ {Label: "mediumint", Value: 2, Status: &True, Sort: 2},
+ {Label: "int", Value: 3, Status: &True, Sort: 3},
+ {Label: "bigint", Value: 4, Status: &True, Sort: 4},
+ }
+ dicts[2].SysDictionaryDetails = []sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{
+ {Label: "date", Status: &True},
+ {Label: "time", Value: 1, Status: &True, Sort: 1},
+ {Label: "year", Value: 2, Status: &True, Sort: 2},
+ {Label: "datetime", Value: 3, Status: &True, Sort: 3},
+ {Label: "timestamp", Value: 5, Status: &True, Sort: 5},
+ }
+ dicts[3].SysDictionaryDetails = []sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{
+ {Label: "float", Status: &True},
+ {Label: "double", Value: 1, Status: &True, Sort: 1},
+ {Label: "decimal", Value: 2, Status: &True, Sort: 2},
+ }
+ dicts[4].SysDictionaryDetails = []sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{
+ {Label: "char", Status: &True},
+ {Label: "varchar", Value: 1, Status: &True, Sort: 1},
+ {Label: "tinyblob", Value: 2, Status: &True, Sort: 2},
+ {Label: "tinytext", Value: 3, Status: &True, Sort: 3},
+ {Label: "text", Value: 4, Status: &True, Sort: 4},
+ {Label: "blob", Value: 5, Status: &True, Sort: 5},
+ {Label: "mediumblob", Value: 6, Status: &True, Sort: 6},
+ {Label: "mediumtext", Value: 7, Status: &True, Sort: 7},
+ {Label: "longblob", Value: 8, Status: &True, Sort: 8},
+ {Label: "longtext", Value: 9, Status: &True, Sort: 9},
+ }
+ dicts[5].SysDictionaryDetails = []sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{
+ {Label: "tinyint", Status: &True},
+ }
+ for _, dict := range dicts {
+ if err := db.Model(&dict).Association("SysDictionaryDetails").
+ Replace(dict.SysDictionaryDetails); err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, sysModel.SysDictionaryDetail{}.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
+ }
+ }
+ return ctx, nil
+func (i *initDictDetail) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ var dict sysModel.SysDictionary
+ if err := db.Preload("SysDictionaryDetails").
+ First(&dict, &sysModel.SysDictionary{Name: "数据库bool类型"}).Error; err != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ return len(dict.SysDictionaryDetails) > 0 && dict.SysDictionaryDetails[0].Label == "tinyint"
diff --git a/server/source/system/menu.go b/server/source/system/menu.go
index f98488129..fb7d18ecf 100644
--- a/server/source/system/menu.go
+++ b/server/source/system/menu.go
@@ -1,57 +1,97 @@
package system
import (
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "context"
+ . "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
-var BaseMenu = new(menu)
+const initOrderMenu = initOrderAuthority + 1
-type menu struct{}
+type initMenu struct{}
-func (m *menu) TableName() string {
- return "sys_base_menus"
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderMenu, &initMenu{})
-func (m *menu) Initialize() error {
- entities := []system.SysBaseMenu{
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 1}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "dashboard", Name: "dashboard", Component: "view/dashboard/index.vue", Sort: 1, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "仪表盘", Icon: "odometer"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 2}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "about", Name: "about", Component: "view/about/index.vue", Sort: 7, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "关于我们", Icon: "info-filled"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 3}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "admin", Name: "superAdmin", Component: "view/superAdmin/index.vue", Sort: 3, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "超级管理员", Icon: "user"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 4}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "authority", Name: "authority", Component: "view/superAdmin/authority/authority.vue", Sort: 1, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "角色管理", Icon: "avatar"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 5}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "menu", Name: "menu", Component: "view/superAdmin/menu/menu.vue", Sort: 2, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "菜单管理", Icon: "tickets", KeepAlive: true}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 6}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "api", Name: "api", Component: "view/superAdmin/api/api.vue", Sort: 3, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "api管理", Icon: "platform", KeepAlive: true}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 7}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "user", Name: "user", Component: "view/superAdmin/user/user.vue", Sort: 4, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "用户管理", Icon: "coordinate"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 8}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: true, ParentId: "0", Path: "person", Name: "person", Component: "view/person/person.vue", Sort: 4, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "个人信息", Icon: "message"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 9}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "example", Name: "example", Component: "view/example/index.vue", Sort: 6, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "示例文件", Icon: "management"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 10}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "9", Path: "excel", Name: "excel", Component: "view/example/excel/excel.vue", Sort: 4, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "excel导入导出", Icon: "takeaway-box"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 11}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "9", Path: "upload", Name: "upload", Component: "view/example/upload/upload.vue", Sort: 5, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "媒体库(上传下载)", Icon: "upload"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 12}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "9", Path: "breakpoint", Name: "breakpoint", Component: "view/example/breakpoint/breakpoint.vue", Sort: 6, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "断点续传", Icon: "upload-filled"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 13}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "9", Path: "customer", Name: "customer", Component: "view/example/customer/customer.vue", Sort: 7, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "客户列表(资源示例)", Icon: "avatar"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 14}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "systemTools", Name: "systemTools", Component: "view/systemTools/index.vue", Sort: 5, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "系统工具", Icon: "tools"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 15}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "14", Path: "autoCode", Name: "autoCode", Component: "view/systemTools/autoCode/index.vue", Sort: 1, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "代码生成器", Icon: "cpu", KeepAlive: true}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 16}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "14", Path: "formCreate", Name: "formCreate", Component: "view/systemTools/formCreate/index.vue", Sort: 2, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "表单生成器", Icon: "magic-stick", KeepAlive: true}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 17}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "14", Path: "system", Name: "system", Component: "view/systemTools/system/system.vue", Sort: 3, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "系统配置", Icon: "operation"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 18}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "dictionary", Name: "dictionary", Component: "view/superAdmin/dictionary/sysDictionary.vue", Sort: 5, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "字典管理", Icon: "notebook"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 19}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: true, ParentId: "3", Path: "dictionaryDetail/:id", Name: "dictionaryDetail", Component: "view/superAdmin/dictionary/sysDictionaryDetail.vue", Sort: 1, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "字典详情", Icon: "order"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 20}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "operation", Name: "operation", Component: "view/superAdmin/operation/sysOperationRecord.vue", Sort: 6, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "操作历史", Icon: "pie-chart"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 21}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "9", Path: "simpleUploader", Name: "simpleUploader", Component: "view/example/simpleUploader/simpleUploader", Sort: 6, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "断点续传(插件版)", Icon: "upload"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 22}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "https://www.gin-vue-admin.com", Name: "https://www.gin-vue-admin.com", Component: "/", Sort: 0, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "官方网站", Icon: "home-filled"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 23}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "state", Name: "state", Component: "view/system/state.vue", Sort: 6, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "服务器状态", Icon: "cloudy"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 24}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "14", Path: "autoCodeAdmin", Name: "autoCodeAdmin", Component: "view/systemTools/autoCodeAdmin/index.vue", Sort: 1, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "自动化代码管理", Icon: "magic-stick"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 25}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: true, ParentId: "14", Path: "autoCodeEdit/:id", Name: "autoCodeEdit", Component: "view/systemTools/autoCode/index.vue", Sort: 0, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "自动化代码(复用)", Icon: "magic-stick"}},
- {GVA_MODEL: global.GVA_MODEL{ID: 26}, MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "14", Path: "autoPkg", Name: "autoPkg", Component: "view/systemTools/autoPkg/autoPkg.vue", Sort: 0, Meta: system.Meta{Title: "自动化package", Icon: "folder"}},
- }
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil { // 创建 model.User 初始化数据
- return errors.Wrap(err, m.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
- }
- return nil
+func (i initMenu) InitializerName() string {
+ return SysBaseMenu{}.TableName()
-func (m *menu) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("path = ?", "autoCodeEdit/:id").First(&system.SysBaseMenu{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
+func (i *initMenu) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ return ctx, db.AutoMigrate(
+ &SysBaseMenu{},
+ &SysBaseMenuParameter{},
+ &Meta{},
+ &SysBaseMenuBtn{},
+ )
+func (i *initMenu) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ m := db.Migrator()
+ return m.HasTable(&SysBaseMenu{}) &&
+ m.HasTable(&Meta{}) &&
+ m.HasTable(&SysBaseMenuParameter{}) &&
+ m.HasTable(&SysBaseMenuBtn{})
+func (i *initMenu) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (next context.Context, err error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ entities := []SysBaseMenu{
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "dashboard", Name: "dashboard", Component: "view/dashboard/index.vue", Sort: 1, Meta: Meta{Title: "仪表盘", Icon: "odometer"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "about", Name: "about", Component: "view/about/index.vue", Sort: 7, Meta: Meta{Title: "关于我们", Icon: "info-filled"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "admin", Name: "superAdmin", Component: "view/superAdmin/index.vue", Sort: 3, Meta: Meta{Title: "超级管理员", Icon: "user"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "authority", Name: "authority", Component: "view/superAdmin/authority/authority.vue", Sort: 1, Meta: Meta{Title: "角色管理", Icon: "avatar"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "menu", Name: "menu", Component: "view/superAdmin/menu/menu.vue", Sort: 2, Meta: Meta{Title: "菜单管理", Icon: "tickets", KeepAlive: true}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "api", Name: "api", Component: "view/superAdmin/api/api.vue", Sort: 3, Meta: Meta{Title: "api管理", Icon: "platform", KeepAlive: true}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "user", Name: "user", Component: "view/superAdmin/user/user.vue", Sort: 4, Meta: Meta{Title: "用户管理", Icon: "coordinate"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: true, ParentId: "0", Path: "person", Name: "person", Component: "view/person/person.vue", Sort: 4, Meta: Meta{Title: "个人信息", Icon: "message"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "example", Name: "example", Component: "view/example/index.vue", Sort: 6, Meta: Meta{Title: "示例文件", Icon: "management"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "9", Path: "excel", Name: "excel", Component: "view/example/excel/excel.vue", Sort: 4, Meta: Meta{Title: "excel导入导出", Icon: "takeaway-box"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "9", Path: "upload", Name: "upload", Component: "view/example/upload/upload.vue", Sort: 5, Meta: Meta{Title: "媒体库(上传下载)", Icon: "upload"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "9", Path: "breakpoint", Name: "breakpoint", Component: "view/example/breakpoint/breakpoint.vue", Sort: 6, Meta: Meta{Title: "断点续传", Icon: "upload-filled"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "9", Path: "customer", Name: "customer", Component: "view/example/customer/customer.vue", Sort: 7, Meta: Meta{Title: "客户列表(资源示例)", Icon: "avatar"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "systemTools", Name: "systemTools", Component: "view/systemTools/index.vue", Sort: 5, Meta: Meta{Title: "系统工具", Icon: "tools"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "14", Path: "autoCode", Name: "autoCode", Component: "view/systemTools/autoCode/index.vue", Sort: 1, Meta: Meta{Title: "代码生成器", Icon: "cpu", KeepAlive: true}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "14", Path: "formCreate", Name: "formCreate", Component: "view/systemTools/formCreate/index.vue", Sort: 2, Meta: Meta{Title: "表单生成器", Icon: "magic-stick", KeepAlive: true}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "14", Path: "system", Name: "system", Component: "view/systemTools/system/system.vue", Sort: 3, Meta: Meta{Title: "系统配置", Icon: "operation"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "dictionary", Name: "dictionary", Component: "view/superAdmin/dictionary/sysDictionary.vue", Sort: 5, Meta: Meta{Title: "字典管理", Icon: "notebook"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: true, ParentId: "3", Path: "dictionaryDetail/:id", Name: "dictionaryDetail", Component: "view/superAdmin/dictionary/sysDictionaryDetail.vue", Sort: 1, Meta: Meta{Title: "字典详情", Icon: "order"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "3", Path: "operation", Name: "operation", Component: "view/superAdmin/operation/sysOperationRecord.vue", Sort: 6, Meta: Meta{Title: "操作历史", Icon: "pie-chart"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "9", Path: "simpleUploader", Name: "simpleUploader", Component: "view/example/simpleUploader/simpleUploader", Sort: 6, Meta: Meta{Title: "断点续传(插件版)", Icon: "upload"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "https://www.gin-vue-admin.com", Name: "https://www.gin-vue-admin.com", Component: "/", Sort: 0, Meta: Meta{Title: "官方网站", Icon: "home-filled"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "0", Path: "state", Name: "state", Component: "view/system/state.vue", Sort: 6, Meta: Meta{Title: "服务器状态", Icon: "cloudy"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "14", Path: "autoCodeAdmin", Name: "autoCodeAdmin", Component: "view/systemTools/autoCodeAdmin/index.vue", Sort: 1, Meta: Meta{Title: "自动化代码管理", Icon: "magic-stick"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: true, ParentId: "14", Path: "autoCodeEdit/:id", Name: "autoCodeEdit", Component: "view/systemTools/autoCode/index.vue", Sort: 0, Meta: Meta{Title: "自动化代码(复用)", Icon: "magic-stick"}},
+ {MenuLevel: 0, Hidden: false, ParentId: "14", Path: "autoPkg", Name: "autoPkg", Component: "view/systemTools/autoPkg/autoPkg.vue", Sort: 0, Meta: Meta{Title: "自动化package", Icon: "folder"}},
+ }
+ if err = db.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, SysBaseMenu{}.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
+ }
+ next = context.WithValue(ctx, i.InitializerName(), entities)
+ return next, nil
+func (i *initMenu) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ if errors.Is(db.Where("path = ?", "autoPkg").First(&SysBaseMenu{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
return false
return true
diff --git a/server/source/system/user.go b/server/source/system/user.go
index a47d1ff86..24b2fcc03 100644
--- a/server/source/system/user.go
+++ b/server/source/system/user.go
@@ -1,35 +1,79 @@
package system
import (
+ "context"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ sysModel "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
-var User = new(user)
+const initOrderUser = initOrderAuthority + 1
-type user struct{}
+type initUser struct{}
-func (u *user) TableName() string {
- return "sys_users"
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderUser, &initUser{})
-func (u *user) Initialize() error {
- entities := []system.SysUser{
+func (i *initUser) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ return ctx, db.AutoMigrate(&sysModel.SysUser{})
+func (i *initUser) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return db.Migrator().HasTable(&sysModel.SysUser{})
+func (i initUser) InitializerName() string {
+ return sysModel.SysUser{}.TableName()
+func (i *initUser) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (next context.Context, err error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ entities := []sysModel.SysUser{
{UUID: uuid.NewV4(), Username: "admin", Password: "e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e", NickName: "超级管理员", HeaderImg: "https://qmplusimg.henrongyi.top/gva_header.jpg", AuthorityId: "888", Phone: "17611111111", Email: "333333333@qq.com"},
{UUID: uuid.NewV4(), Username: "a303176530", Password: "3ec063004a6f31642261936a379fde3d", NickName: "QMPlusUser", HeaderImg: "https:///qmplusimg.henrongyi.top/1572075907logo.png", AuthorityId: "9528", Phone: "17611111111", Email: "333333333@qq.com"},
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, u.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
+ if err = global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, sysModel.SysUser{}.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
- return nil
+ next = context.WithValue(ctx, i.InitializerName(), entities)
+ authorityEntities, ok := ctx.Value(initAuthority{}.InitializerName()).([]sysModel.SysAuthority)
+ if !ok {
+ return next, errors.Wrap(system.ErrMissingDependentContext, "创建 [用户-权限] 关联失败, 未找到权限表初始化数据")
+ }
+ if err = db.Model(&entities[0]).Association("Authorities").Replace(authorityEntities); err != nil {
+ return next, err
+ }
+ if err = db.Model(&entities[1]).Association("Authorities").Replace(authorityEntities[:1]); err != nil {
+ return next, err
+ }
+ return next, err
-func (u *user) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("username = ?", "a303176530").First(&system.SysUser{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
+func (i *initUser) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
return false
- return true
+ var record sysModel.SysUser
+ if errors.Is(db.Where("username = ?", "a303176530").
+ Preload("Authorities").First(&record).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
+ return false
+ }
+ return len(record.Authorities) > 0 && record.Authorities[0].AuthorityId == "888"
diff --git a/server/source/system/user_authority.go b/server/source/system/user_authority.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a5e5288..000000000
--- a/server/source/system/user_authority.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package system
-import (
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/global"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
- "github.com/pkg/errors"
- "gorm.io/gorm"
-var UserAuthority = new(userAuthority)
-type userAuthority struct{}
-func (a *userAuthority) TableName() string {
- var entity system.SysUseAuthority
- return entity.TableName()
-func (a *userAuthority) Initialize() error {
- entities := []system.SysUseAuthority{
- {SysUserId: 1, SysAuthorityAuthorityId: "888"},
- {SysUserId: 1, SysAuthorityAuthorityId: "8881"},
- {SysUserId: 1, SysAuthorityAuthorityId: "9528"},
- {SysUserId: 2, SysAuthorityAuthorityId: "888"},
- }
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Create(&entities).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, a.TableName()+"表数据初始化失败!")
- }
- return nil
-func (a *userAuthority) CheckDataExist() bool {
- if errors.Is(global.GVA_DB.Where("sys_user_id = ? AND sys_authority_authority_id = ?", 2, "888").First(&system.SysUseAuthority{}).Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { // 判断是否存在数据
- return false
- }
- return true
diff --git a/server/source/system/view_authority_menu_mysql.go b/server/source/system/view_authority_menu_mysql.go
index bb9c07378..adab70b5b 100644
--- a/server/source/system/view_authority_menu_mysql.go
+++ b/server/source/system/view_authority_menu_mysql.go
@@ -1,27 +1,49 @@
package system
import (
+ "context"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
+ "gorm.io/gorm"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ sysModel "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
-var ViewAuthorityMenuMysql = new(viewAuthorityMenuMysql)
+const initOrderMenuViewMysql = initOrderMenuAuthority + 1
-type viewAuthorityMenuMysql struct{}
+type initMenuViewMysql struct{}
-func (v *viewAuthorityMenuMysql) TableName() string {
- var entity system.SysMenu
- return entity.TableName()
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderMenuViewMysql, &initMenuViewMysql{})
-func (v *viewAuthorityMenuMysql) Initialize() error {
- var entity AuthorityMenus
+func (i initMenuViewMysql) InitializerName() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("mysql 视图<%s>", sysModel.SysMenu{}.TableName())
+func (i *initMenuViewMysql) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ return ctx, nil
+func (i *initMenuViewMysql) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ return true // ignore
+func (v *initMenuViewMysql) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ if s, ok := ctx.Value("dbtype").(string); !ok || s != "mysql" {
+ return ctx, nil // ignore
+ }
+ joinTableName := db.Model(&sysModel.SysAuthority{}).Association("SysBaseMenus").Relationship.JoinTable.Name
sql := `
select @menus.id AS id,
@menus.path AS path,
@menus.icon AS icon,
@@ -43,18 +65,23 @@ func (v *viewAuthorityMenuMysql) Initialize() error {
from (@authorities_menus
join @menus on ((@authorities_menus.sys_base_menu_id = @menus.id)));
- sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@table_name", v.TableName())
- sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@menus", "sys_base_menus")
- sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@authorities_menus", entity.TableName())
- if err := global.GVA_DB.Exec(sql).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, v.TableName()+"视图创建失败!")
+ sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@table_name", sysModel.SysMenu{}.TableName())
+ sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@menus", sysModel.SysBaseMenu{}.TableName())
+ sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@authorities_menus", joinTableName)
+ if err := db.Exec(sql).Error; err != nil {
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, sysModel.SysMenu{}.TableName()+"视图创建失败!")
- return nil
+ return ctx, nil
-func (v *viewAuthorityMenuMysql) CheckDataExist() bool {
- err1 := global.GVA_DB.Find(&[]system.SysMenu{}).Error
- err2 := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error 1146: Table '%v.%v' doesn't exist", global.GVA_CONFIG.Mysql.Dbname, v.TableName()))
+func (i *initMenuViewMysql) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ err1 := db.Find(&[]sysModel.SysMenu{}).Error
+ err2 := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error 1146: Table '%v.%v' doesn't exist",
+ global.GVA_CONFIG.Mysql.Dbname, sysModel.SysMenu{}.TableName()))
if errors.As(err1, &err2) {
return false
diff --git a/server/source/system/view_authority_menu_postgres.go b/server/source/system/view_authority_menu_postgres.go
index 90b5a5470..6a837f4fa 100644
--- a/server/source/system/view_authority_menu_postgres.go
+++ b/server/source/system/view_authority_menu_postgres.go
@@ -1,27 +1,50 @@
package system
import (
+ "context"
+ "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/service/system"
+ "gorm.io/gorm"
- "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
+ sysModel "github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server/model/system"
-var ViewAuthorityMenuPostgres = new(viewAuthorityMenuPostgres)
+const initOrderMenuViewPg = initOrderMenuAuthority + 1
-type viewAuthorityMenuPostgres struct{}
+type initMenuViewPg struct{}
-func (a *viewAuthorityMenuPostgres) TableName() string {
- var entity system.SysMenu
- return entity.TableName()
+// auto run
+func init() {
+ system.RegisterInit(initOrderMenuViewPg, &initMenuViewPg{})
-func (a *viewAuthorityMenuPostgres) Initialize() error {
- var entity AuthorityMenus
+func (i initMenuViewPg) InitializerName() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("postgresql 视图<%s>", sysModel.SysMenu{}.TableName())
+func (i *initMenuViewPg) InitializeData(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ return ctx, nil
+func (i *initMenuViewPg) DataInserted(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ return true // ignore
+func (a *initMenuViewPg) MigrateTable(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
+ db, ok := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
+ if !ok {
+ return ctx, system.ErrMissingDBContext
+ }
+ if s, ok := ctx.Value("dbtype").(string); !ok || s != "pgsql" {
+ return ctx, nil // ignore
+ }
+ joinTableName := db.Model(&sysModel.SysAuthority{}).Association("SysBaseMenus").Relationship.JoinTable.Name
sql := `
- CREATE VIEW @table_name as
+ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW @table_name as
select @menus.id as id,
@menus.path as path,
@menus.name as name,
@@ -41,18 +64,19 @@ func (a *viewAuthorityMenuPostgres) Initialize() error {
@authorities_menus.sys_base_menu_id as menu_id,
@authorities_menus.sys_authority_authority_id as authority_id
from (@authorities_menus join @menus on ((@authorities_menus.sys_base_menu_id = @menus.id)));`
- sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@table_name", a.TableName())
- sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@menus", "sys_base_menus")
- sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@authorities_menus", entity.TableName())
+ sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@table_name", sysModel.SysMenu{}.TableName())
+ sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@menus", sysModel.SysBaseMenu{}.TableName())
+ sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "@authorities_menus", joinTableName)
if err := global.GVA_DB.Exec(sql).Error; err != nil {
- return errors.Wrap(err, a.TableName()+"视图创建失败!")
+ return ctx, errors.Wrap(err, sysModel.SysMenu{}.TableName()+"视图创建失败!")
- return nil
+ return ctx, nil
-func (a *viewAuthorityMenuPostgres) CheckDataExist() bool {
- err1 := global.GVA_DB.Find(&[]system.SysMenu{}).Error
- err2 := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error 1146: Table '%v.%v' doesn't exist", global.GVA_CONFIG.Pgsql.Dbname, a.TableName()))
+func (a *initMenuViewPg) TableCreated(ctx context.Context) bool {
+ err1 := global.GVA_DB.Find(&[]sysModel.SysMenu{}).Error
+ err2 := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error 1146: Table '%v.%v' doesn't exist",
+ global.GVA_CONFIG.Pgsql.Dbname, sysModel.SysMenu{}.TableName()))
if errors.As(err1, &err2) {
return false
diff --git a/web/src/api/fileUploadAndDownload.js b/web/src/api/fileUploadAndDownload.js
index 4bd8f28df..0a5d0211d 100644
--- a/web/src/api/fileUploadAndDownload.js
+++ b/web/src/api/fileUploadAndDownload.js
@@ -29,3 +29,16 @@ export const deleteFile = (data) => {
+ * 编辑文件名或者备注
+ * @param data
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+export const editFileName = (data) => {
+ return service({
+ url: '/fileUploadAndDownload/editFileName',
+ method: 'post',
+ data
+ })
diff --git a/web/src/components/chooseImg/index.vue b/web/src/components/chooseImg/index.vue
index 30b80dec2..70b353c4d 100644
--- a/web/src/components/chooseImg/index.vue
+++ b/web/src/components/chooseImg/index.vue
@@ -1,56 +1,97 @@