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(يمكنك اختيار جدول المكتبة المقابل هنا، والذي يمكن فهمه على أنه اختيار الجدول من أي مكتبة)", - "selectBusinessLibrary": "اختر مكتبة الأعمال", - "selectTableBtn": "اختر هذا الجدول", - "automationStructure": "هيكل الأتمتة", - "structureName": "اسم الهيكل", - "structureSimpleName": "اختصار الهيكل", - "StructureOverview": "نظرة عامة على الهيكل", - "structNameInput": "يرجى إدخال اختصار الهيكل", - "fineNameInput": "يرجى إدخال اسم الملف", - "capitalizeFirstLetterAutomatically": "تحويل الحرف الأول تلقائيًا إلى حرف كبير", - "objectNameAndRouteGroup": "الاختصار المستخدم كاسم كائن المعلمة ومجموعة المسار", - "templateChoose": "اختر القالب", - "libraryNote": "ملاحظة: تحتاج إلى تكوين قواعد بيانات متعددة في db-list مسبقًا. إذا كان هذا العنصر فارغًا، سيتم إنشاء الكود التلقائي باستخدام مكتبة gva الرئيسية (global.GVA_DB). إذا تم ملؤه، سيتم إنشاء الكود للمكتبة المحددة (global.MustGetGlobalDBByDBName(dbname))", - "useGvaNote": "ملاحظة: سيشمل الهيكل global.Model تلقائيًا العمليات المتعلقة بالمفتاح الأساسي والحذف الناعم", - "groupInfos": { - "useGvaStructure": "استخدام هيكل GVA", - "note1": "ملاحظة: تسجيل API الذي تم إنشاؤه تلقائيًا في قاعدة البيانات", - "autoCreateApi": "إنشاء API تلقائيًا", - "note2": "ملاحظة: تسجيل القائمة التي تم إنشاؤها تلقائيًا في قاعدة البيانات", - "autoCreateMenu": "إنشاء قائمة تلقائيًا", - "note3": "ملاحظة: مزامنة هيكل الجدول في قاعدة البيانات تلقائيًا، إذا لم يكن ذلك ضروريًا، يمكنك اختيار إيقاف تشغيله.", - "syncTableStructure": "مزامنة هيكل الجدول", - "note4": "ملاحظة: إنشاء تكوين أذونات الأزرار تلقائيًا داخل الصفحة. إذا لم يتم تعيين الزر في إدارة الأدوار، فلن يكون الزر مرئيًا", - "createButtonPermissions": "إنشاء أذونات الأزرار", - "note5": "ملاحظة: إضافة created_by، updated_by، deleted_by تلقائيًا إلى الهيكل، مما يسهل على المستخدمين التحكم في أذونات الموارد", - "createResourceIdentifier": "إنشاء معرف الموارد", - "note6": "ملاحظة: استخدام القالب الأساسي لن يولد أي هيكل وCURD، فقط تكوين enter والسمات الأخرى لتسهيل تطوير المنطق غير CURD", - "basicTemplate": "قالب أساسي" - }, - "addField": "إضافة حقل", - 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"packageNameConflict": "الحزمة واختصار الهيكل لا يمكن أن يكونا نفس الشيء", - "jsonImportSuccess": "تم استيراد ملف JSON بنجاح", - "invalidJsonFile": "ملف JSON غير صالح", - "basicTemplateNote": "استخدام القالب الأساسي لن يولد أي هيكل وCURD، فقط تكوين enter والسمات الأخرى لتسهيل تطوير المنطق غير CURD", - "fieldDialog": { - "associativeDictionary": "قاموس الترابط", - "autoFill": "الملء التلقائي", - "dataTypeNote": "طول نوع قاعدة البيانات", - "entColumnName": "يرجى إدخال حقل قاعدة البيانات", - "entFieldDataType": "يرجى اختيار نوع بيانات الحقل", - "entFieldDesc": "يرجى إدخال وصف قصير للحقل", - "entFieldJson": "يرجى إدخال JSON المنسق للحقل", - "entFieldName": "يرجى إدخال اسم الحقل بالإنجليزية", - "note": "سيتم إنشاء id, created_at, updated_at, deleted_at تلقائيًا، يرجى عدم إنشائها مرة أخرى. عند البحث، إذا كان الشرط LIKE، يتم دعم السلاسل فقط", - "selectDataType": "يرجى اختيار نوع بيانات الحقل", - "selectDictionary": "يرجى اختيار قاموس", - "selectSearchType": "يرجى اختيار شرط البحث للحقل", - "enumValue": "قيمة التعداد", - "typeLength": "طول النوع", - "enumExample": "مثال: 'بكين', 'تيانجين'", - "dataTypeLength": "طول نوع قاعدة البيانات", - "enterDefaultValueNote": "يرجى إدخال القيمة الافتراضية", - "frontendCreateEdit": "إنشاء/تحرير الواجهة الأمامية", - "frontendTableColmuns": "أعمدة الجدول في الواجهة الأمامية", - "frontendDetails": "تفاصيل الواجهة الأمامية", - "sort": "قابل للترتيب", - "required": "مطلوب", - "canBeCleared": "يمكن مسحه", - "hideSearch": "إخفاء شرط البحث", - "verificationError": "رسالة خطأ التحقق", - "dataSourceConfigNote": "تكوين مصدر البيانات (هذا تكوين متقدم، إذا لم تكن لديك أساسيات برمجة قوية، فقد يتسبب ذلك في عدم قابلية استخدام الكود التلقائي)", - "associationMode": "وضع الترابط", - "oneToOne": "واحد لواحد", - "oneToMany": "واحد لعدة", - "selectDataSourceTable": "يرجى اختيار جدول مصدر البيانات", - "selectDataToStore": "يرجى اختيار البيانات التي تريد تخزينها أولاً", - "storage": "التخزين: ", - "type": "النوع: ", - "fileDesc": "، وصف الحقل: ", - "selectDataToDisplay": "يرجى اختيار البيانات التي تريد عرضها أولاً", - "display": "العرض: ", - "enumValueValidationError": "خطأ في التحقق من قيمة التعداد", - "oneToManyNote": "في وضع الترابط واحد لعدة، سيتغير نوع البيانات إلى مصفوفة، سيتم تمثيل الخلفية كـ JSON، تحديدًا كـ وضع المصفوفة، هل تريد المتابعة؟" - } - }, + "actionBar": "شريط الإجراءات:", + "aiCodeNote": "[بيتا] جرب وصف جدولك ودع الذكاء الاصطناعي يساعدك في إكماله.\nحاليًا في مرحلة الاختبار، يرجى تقديم ملاحظات إذا واجهت أي مشاكل.\nتتطلب هذه الميزة الحصول على مسار الذكاء الاصطناعي الخاص بك من مركز السوق الشخصي، وملء مسار الذكاء الاصطناعي في config.yaml تحت autocode-->ai-path، وإعادة تشغيل المشروع لاستخدامه.", + "autoAPIDBCreate": "إنشاء API تلقائيًا", + "autoAPIDBTip": "ملاحظة: تسجيل API الذي تم إنشاؤه تلقائيًا في قاعدة البيانات", + "autoCodeNote": "هذه الميزة للاستخدام في بيئة التطوير، لا يُنصح باستخدامها في الإنتاج. انقر علي لرؤية تأثير الاستخدام المحدد.", + "autoMoveFiles": "نقل الملفات تلقائيًا", + "autoMoveFilesTip": "ملاحظة: نقل الملفات التي تم إنشاؤها تلقائيًا إلى الموقع المقابل الذي تم تكوينه في ymal", + "codeGenDownload": "تم إنشاء الكود التلقائي بنجاح، جاري التنزيل", + "codeGenMoveSuccess": "تم إنشاء الكود التلقائي بنجاح، تم النقل التلقائي بنجاح", + "codePreview": "معاينة الكود", + "columnName": "حقل قاعدة البيانات", + "comment": "وصف حقل قاعدة البيانات", + "componentContent": "محتوى المكون", + "confirmDelete": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد الحذف؟", + "copy": "نسخ", + "createUsingTable": "إنشاء باستخدام هذا الجدول", + "createdByAI": "تم الإنشاء بواسطة الذكاء الاصطناعي", + "dbName": "اسم قاعدة البيانات", + "dictionary": "قاموس", + "entFileName": "اسم الملف: sysXxxxXxxx", + "entStructAbbreviation": "يرجى إدخال اختصار الهيكل", + "entStructDesc": "يرجى إدخال وصف الهيكل", + "entStructName": "يرجى إدخال اسم الهيكل", + "errNoFields": "يرجى ملء حقل واحد على الأقل", + "errSameFiledName": "يوجد حقل بنفس اسم الهيكل", + "errSameStructDescAbbr": "structName واختصار الهيكل لا يمكن أن يكونا نفس الشيء", + "existDB": "انقر هنا لإنشاء الكود من قاعدة بيانات موجودة", + "field": "حقل", + "fieldDataType": "نوع بيانات ��لحقل", + "fieldDesc": "مفتاح متعدد اللغات للحقل", + "fieldIndex": "فهرس", + "fieldLen": "طول حقل قاعدة البيانات", + "fileName": "اسم الملف", + "fileNameNote": "الاسم الافتراضي للملف الذي تم إنشاؤه (يوصى بأن يكون بصيغة الجمل، بدءًا بحرف صغير، مثل sysXxxXxxx)", + "generateCode": "توليد الكود", + "moveDown": "تحريك لأسفل", + "moveUp": "تحريك لأعلى", + "selectDB": "يرجى اختيار قاعدة بيانات", + "selectTable": "يرجى اختيار جدول", + "structAbbreviation": "اختصار الهيكل", + "structAbbreviationNote": "سيتم استخدام الاختصار كاسم كائن المعلمة ومجموعة المسار", + "structChineseName": "اسم الهيكل", + "structChineseNameNote": "الوصف المستخدم كوصفي API التلقائي", + "structName": "اسم الهيكل", + "structNameNote": "تحويل الحرف الأول تلقائيًا إلى حرف كبير", + "table": "جدو��", + "tableName": "اسم الجدول", + "tableNameNote": "تحديد اسم الجدول (اختياري)", + "aiContent": "Xiao Qi لديه احتمال فشل، مفتوح لجميع المستخدمين (إذا فشل، فقط أعد توليده).", + "XiaoMiaoDesc": "Xiao Miao يمكنه تصميم أي شيء تقريبًا، لكنه يتطلب نقاطًا. يحصل المستخدمون المرخصون تلقائيًا على نقاط أساسية خلال مرحلة الاختبار، يحتاج المستخدمون مفتوحو المصدر إلى ملء نموذج للتقديم.", + "XiaoQi": "Xiao Qi", + "XiaoMiao": "Xiao Miao", + "createdFromDB": "تم الإنشاء من قاعدة البيانات", + "businessLibrary": "مكتبة الأعمال", + "businessLibraryNotice": "ملاحظة: تحتاج إلى تكوين قواعد بيانات متعددة في db-list مسبقًا. إذا لم يتم تكوينها، تحتاج إلى تكوينها وإعادة تشغيل الخدمة قبل استخدامها. (يمكنك اختيار جدول المكتبة المقابل هنا، والذي يمكن فهمه على أنه اختيار الجدول من أي مكتبة)", + "selectBusinessLibrary": "اختر مكتبة الأعمال", + "selectTableBtn": "اختر هذا الجدول", + "automationStructure": "هيكل الأتمتة", + "structureName": "اسم الهيكل", + "structureSimpleName": "اختصار الهيكل", + "StructureOverview": "نظرة عامة على الهيكل", + "structNameInput": "يرجى إدخال اختصار الهيكل", + "fineNameInput": "يرجى إدخال اسم الملف", + "capitalizeFirstLetterAutomatically": "تحويل الحرف الأول تلقائيًا إلى حرف كبير", + "objectNameAndRouteGroup": "الاختصار المستخدم كاسم كائن المعلمة ومجموعة المسار", + "templateChoose": "اختر القالب", + "libraryNote": "ملاحظة: تحتاج إلى تكوين قواعد بيانات متعددة في db-list مسبقًا. إذا كان هذا العنصر فارغًا، سيتم إنشاء الكود التلقائي باستخدام مكتبة gva الرئيسية (global.GVA_DB). إذا تم ملؤه، سيتم إنشاء الكود للمكتبة المحددة (global.MustGetGlobalDBByDBName(dbname))", + "useGvaNote": "ملاحظة: سيشمل الهيكل global.Model تلقائيًا العمليات المتعلقة بالمفتاح الأساسي والحذف الناعم", + "groupInfos": { + "useGvaStructure": "استخدام هيكل GVA", + "note1": "ملاحظة: تسجيل API الذي تم إنشاؤه تلقائيًا في قاعدة البيانات", + "autoCreateApi": "إنشاء API تلقائيًا", + "note2": "ملاحظة: تسجيل القائمة التي تم إنشاؤها تلقائيًا في قاعدة البيانات", + "autoCreateMenu": "إنشاء قائمة تلقائيًا", + "note3": "ملاحظة: مزامنة هيكل الجدول في قاعدة البيانات تلقائيًا، إذا لم يكن ذلك ضروريًا، يمكنك اختيار إيقاف تشغيله.", + "syncTableStructure": "مزامنة هيكل الجدول", + "note4": "ملاحظة: إنشاء تكوين أذونات الأزرار تلقائيًا داخل الصفحة. إذا لم يتم تعيين الزر في إدارة الأدوار، فلن يكون الزر مرئيًا", + "createButtonPermissions": "إنشاء أذونات الأزرار", + "note5": "ملاحظة: إضافة created_by، updated_by، deleted_by تلقائيًا إلى الهيكل، مما يسهل على المستخدمين التحكم في أذونات الموارد", + "createResourceIdentifier": "إنشاء معرف الموارد", + "note6": "ملاحظة: استخدام القالب الأساسي لن يولد أي هيكل وCURD، فقط تكوين enter والسمات الأخرى لتسهيل تطوير المنطق غير CURD", + "basicTemplate": "قالب أساسي" + }, + "addField": "إضافة حقل", + "primaryKey": "المفتاح الأساسي", + "fieldName": "اسم الحقل", + "chineseName": "الاسم الصيني", + "defaultValue": "القيمة الافتراضية", + "required": "مطلوب", + "createEdit": "إنشاء/تحرير", + "importExport": "استيراد/تصدير", + "fieldJson": "حقل Json", + "fieldType": "نوع الحقل", + "selectFieldType": "يرجى اختيار نوع الحقل", + "indexType": "نوع الفهرس", + "selectIndexType": "يرجى اختيار نوع فهرس الحقل", + "selectSearchCondition": "يرجى اختيار شرط البحث للحقل", + "advancedEdit": "تحرير متقدم", + "exportJson": "تصدير json", + "importJson": "استيراد json", + "clearTemp": "مسح المؤقت", + "temporary": "مؤقت", + "selectPackage": "يرجى اختيار الحزمة", + "gvaStructureNote": "إذا قمت بتمكين هيكل GVA الافتراضي، سيتم إضافة الحقول ID، CreatedAt، UpdatedAt، DeletedAt تلقائيًا. سيؤدي هذا الإجراء إلى مسح الحقول المكررة التي أنشأتها أدناه تلقائيًا. هل تريد المتابعة؟", + "note": "ملاحظة", + "primaryKeyRequirement": "تحتاج إلى إنشاء مفتاح أساسي واحد على الأقل لضمان جدوى الكود التلقائي", + "fillFieldTypes": "يرجى ملء جميع أنواع الحقول قبل التقديم", + "packageNameConflict": "الحزمة واختصار الهيكل لا يمكن أن يكونا نفس الشيء", + "jsonImportSuccess": "تم استيراد ملف JSON بنجاح", + "invalidJsonFile": "ملف JSON غير صالح", + "basicTemplateNote": "استخدام القالب الأساسي لن يولد أي هيكل وCURD، فقط تكوين enter والسمات الأخرى لتسهيل تطوير المنطق غير CURD", + "fieldDialog": { + "associativeDictionary": "قاموس الترابط", + "autoFill": "الملء التلقائي", + "dataTypeNote": "طول نوع قاعدة البيانات", + "entColumnName": "يرجى إدخال حقل قاعدة البيانات", + "entFieldDataType": "يرجى اختيار نوع بيانات الحقل", + "entFieldDesc": "يرجى إدخال وصف قصير للحقل", + "entFieldJson": "يرجى إدخال JSON المنسق للحقل", + "entFieldName": "يرجى إدخال اسم الحقل بالإنجليزية", + "note": "سيتم إنشاء id, created_at, updated_at, deleted_at تلقائيًا، يرجى عدم إنشائها مرة أخرى. عند البحث، إذا كان الشرط LIKE، يتم دعم السلاسل فقط", + "selectDataType": "يرجى اختيار نوع بيانات الحقل", + 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"Upload" - }, - "selectImage": { - "mediaLibrary": "Media Library", - "editFileNote": "Click \"File Name/Remarks\" to edit the file name or remarks.", - "enterFileName": "Please enter a file name or comment", - "browserNotSupportVideo": "Your browser does not support video playback", - "enterFileNameOrComment": "Please enter a file name or comment", - "typeNotSupported": "The current type is not supported.", - "delectFileConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the file?" - } - }, "upload": { "common": { "normalUpload": "Normal Upload", @@ -58,7 +43,7 @@ "imageSizeError": "The size of uncompressed uploaded images cannot exceed 500KB, please use compressed upload" }, "image": { - "compressedUpload": "Compressed ‘pload", + "compressedUpload": "Compressed Upload", "avatarImageFormatError": "Uploaded avatar images can only be in jpg or png format!" } } @@ -174,7 +159,8 @@ "warning": "Warning", "yes": "Yes", "cannotBeEmpty": "Cannot be empty", - "cancelModification": "Cancel modification" + 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"roleManage": "Role Management", - "statistics": "Statistics", - "title": "Good morning, administrator, please start your day", - "todaysTraffic": "Today's Traffic", - "totalNumberOfUsers": "Total Number of Users", - "userManage": "User Management", - "notification": "Notification", - "violation": "Violation", - "information": "Information", - "error": "Error", - "noticeList": { - "notice1": "The first price gradient of the license fee will end on June 1st and enter the second price gradient.", - "notice2": "After authorization, you will enter the exclusive Feishu group to get official assistance.", - "notice3": "Authorization can get great discounts in the plugin market.", - "notice4": "Unauthorized commercial use may be crawled by resource collection tools and held accountable.", - "notice5": "Thank you again for your support of the open source cause", - "notice6": "Make creativity more valuable.", - "notice7": "Make labor more meaningful.", - "notice8": "Make thinking deeper.", - "notice9": "Make life more interesting.", - "notice10": "Make the company more dynamic." - } - }, "about": { "flippedAuroraTeam": "Flipped-Aurora Team", "submitRecords": "Releases History" }, + "dashboard": { + "about": "About Us", + "announcement": "Announcement", + "codeGen": "Code Generator", + "components": { + "card": { + "seeMore": "See More" + }, + "table": { + "attention": "Attention", + "content1": "Simpler user interface, faster operation experience", + "content2": "Better service, more convenient user experience", + "content3": "Faster idea realization, more efficient work", + "content4": "More creative resources, more creative inspiration", + "content5": "More reasonable code structure, clearer code logic", + "contentTitle": "Content Title", + "ranking": "Ranking", + "heat": "Heat Value", + "PluginTitle": "Plugin Title" + } + }, + "grids": { + "menuManage": "Menu Management", + "apiManage": "API Management", + "roleManage": "Role Management", + "userManage": "User 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"roleManage": "Role Management", + "statistics": "Statistics", + "title": "Good morning, administrator, please start your day", + "todaysTraffic": "Today's Traffic", + "totalNumberOfUsers": "Total Number of Users", + "userManage": "User Management", + "notification": "Notification", + "violation": "Violation", + "information": "Information", + "error": "Error", + "noticeList": { + "notice1": "The first price gradient of the license fee will end on June 1st and enter the second price gradient.", + "notice2": "After authorization, you will enter the exclusive Feishu group to get official assistance.", + "notice3": "Authorization can get great discounts in the plugin market.", + "notice4": "Unauthorized commercial use may be crawled by resource collection tools and held accountable.", + "notice5": "Thank you again for your support of the open source cause", + "notice6": "Make creativity more valuable.", + "notice7": "Make labor more meaningful.", + "notice8": "Make thinking deeper.", + "notice9": "Make life more interesting.", + "notice10": "Make the company more dynamic." + } + }, + "example": { + "breakpoint": { + "largeFileUpload": "Large File Upload", + "selectFile": "Select File", + "uploadFiles": "Upload Files", + "uploadFilesNote": "Please upload files no larger than 5MB", + "breakpointNote": "This version is a beta version for early experience. Style beautification and performance optimization are in progress. Upload slice files and synthesized complete files to the breakpointDir folder and fileDir folder of the QMPlus server directory respectively.", + "fileTransferredSec": "File has been transferred in seconds" + }, + "upload": { + "importURL": "Import URL", + "image": "Image", + "upload": "Upload", + "mediaLibrary": "Media Library", + "fileNameComments": "File name/Comments", + "link": "Link", + "label": "Label", + "download": "Download", + "deleteAllFilesNote": "This operation will permanently delete the file, do you want to continue?", + "formatNote": "Format: filename|link or just link.", + "editFileNote": "Click \"File Name/Remarks\" to edit the file name or remarks.", + "enterFileName": "Please enter a file name or comment", + "browserNotSupportVideo": "Your browser does not support video playback", + "enterFileNameOrComment": "Please enter a file name or comment", + "typeNotSupported": "The current type is not supported.", + "delectFileConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the file?", + "review": "Review", + "inputPlaceholder": "My picture|https://my-oss.com/my.png\nhttps://my-oss.com/my_1.png", + "importSuccess": "Import successful!", + "cancelImport": "Cancel Import" + } + }, + "layout": { + "header": { + "tools": { + "video01": "1.Clone project and install dependencies", + "video02": "2.Initialize project", + "video03": "3.Open debugging tool + create initialization package", + "video04": "4.Manually use automatic creation function", + "video05": "5.Use existing tables to create business", + "video06": "6.Use AI to create business and create data source mode options", + "video07": "7.Create your own backend method", + "video08": "8.Add a front-end page", + "video09": "9.Configure a front-end secondary page", + "video10": "10.Configure a front-end menu parameter", + "video11": "11.Menu parameter practice + dynamic menu title + menu highlight configuration", + "video12": "12.Add menu controllable button", + "video13": "13.Add customer roles and related configuration instructions", + "video14": "14.Release project online" + } + } + }, "superAdmin": { "menu": { "addMenu": "Add Menu", @@ -617,7 +655,7 @@ "ipLimitTime": "IP Limit Time", "langFilesPath": "Language Files Address", "language": "Language", - "defaultLanguage" : "Default Language", + "defaultLanguage": "Default Language", "level": "Level", "localFileConfig": "Local File Configuration", "localFilePath": "Local File Path", @@ -750,160 +788,177 @@ "": "" }, "autoCode": { - "actionBar": "Action Bar:", - "aiCodeNote": "[Beta] Try describing your table and let AI help you complete it.\nCurrently in testing phase, please provide feedback if you encounter any issues.\nThis feature requires you to get your own AI-Path from the plugin market personal center, fill in the AI-Path in config.yaml under autocode-->ai-path, and restart the project to use it.", - "autoAPIDBCreate": "Automatically Create API", - "autoAPIDBTip": "Note: Register the automatically generated API into the database", - "autoCodeNote": "This feature is for development environment use, not recommended for production. Click me to see the specific usage effect.", - "autoMoveFiles": "Automatically Move Files", - "autoMoveFilesTip": "Note: Automatically migrate the generated files to the corresponding location configured in ymal", - "codeGenDownload": "Automated code creation successful, downloading", - "codeGenMoveSuccess": "Automated code creation successful, automatic move successful", - "codePreview": "Preview Code", - "columnName": "Database Field", - "comment": "Database Field Description", - "componentContent": "Component Content", - "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete?", - "copy": "Copy", - "createUsingTable": "Create Using This Table", - "createdByAI": "Created by AI", - "dbName": "Database Name", - "dictionary": "Dictionary", - "entFileName": "File Name: sysXxxxXxxx", - "entStructAbbreviation": "Please enter the struct abbreviation", - "entStructDesc": "Please enter the struct description", - "entStructName": "Please enter the struct name", - "errNoFields": "Please fill in at least one field", - "errSameFiledName": "There is a field with the same name as the struct", - "errSameStructDescAbbr": "structName and struct abbreviation cannot be the same", - "existDB": "Click here to create code from an existing database", - "field": "Field", - "fieldDataType": "Field Data Type", - "fieldDesc": "Field Multi-language Key", - "fieldIndex": "Index", - "fieldLen": "Database Field Length", - "fileName": "File Name", - "fileNameNote": "Default name of the generated file (recommended to be in camel case, starting with a lowercase letter, such as sysXxxXxxx)", - "generateCode": "Generate Code", - "moveDown": "Move Down", - "moveUp": "Move Up", - "selectDB": "Please select a database", - "selectTable": "Please select a table", - "structAbbreviation": "Struct Abbreviation", - "structAbbreviationNote": "The abbreviation will be used as the parameter object name and route group", - "structChineseName": "Struct Name", - "structChineseNameNote": "Description used as automatic API description", - "structName": "Struct Name", - "structNameNote": "First letter automatically converted to uppercase", - "table": "Table", - "tableName": "Table Name", - "tableNameNote": "Specify table name (optional)", - "aiContent": "Xiao Qi has a failure probability, open to all users (if it fails, just regenerate it).", - "XiaoMiaoDesc": "Xiao Miao can design almost anything, but it requires points. Authorized users automatically get basic points during the testing phase, open source users need to fill out a form to apply.", - "XiaoQi": "Xiao Qi", - "XiaoMiao": "Xiao Miao", - "createdFromDB": "Created from Database", - "businessLibrary": "Business Library", - "businessLibraryNotice": "Note: You need to configure multiple databases in db-list in advance. If not configured, you need to configure and restart the service before using it. (You can select the corresponding library table here, which can be understood as selecting the table from which library)", - "selectBusinessLibrary": "Select Business Library", - "selectTableBtn": "Select This Table", - "automationStructure": "Automation Structure", - "structureName": "Structure Name", - "structureSimpleName": "Structure Abbreviation", - "StructureOverview": "Structure Overview", - "structNameInput": "Please enter the struct abbreviation", - "fineNameInput": "Please enter the file name", - "capitalizeFirstLetterAutomatically": "First letter automatically capitalized", - "objectNameAndRouteGroup": "Abbreviation used as parameter object name and route group", - "templateChoose": "Choose Template", - "libraryNote": "Note: You need to configure multiple databases in db-list in advance. If this item is empty, the automated code will be created using the gva main library (global.GVA_DB). If filled in, the code will be created for the specified library (global.MustGetGlobalDBByDBName(dbname))", - "useGvaNote": "Note: The struct global.Model will automatically include primary key and soft delete related operations", - "groupInfos": { - "useGvaStructure": "GVA Structure", - "note1": "Note: Register the automatically generated API into the database", - "autoCreateApi": "Create API", - "note2": "Note: Register the automatically generated menu into the database", - "autoCreateMenu": "Create Menu", - "note3": "Note: Automatically synchronize the database table structure, if not needed, you can choose to turn it off.", - "syncTableStructure": "Synchronize Table", - "note4": "Note: Automatically generate button permission configuration within the page. If the button is not assigned in role management, the button will not be visible", - "createButtonPermissions": "Button Permissions", - "note5": "Note: Automatically add created_by, updated_by, deleted_by to the struct, making it easier for users to control resource permissions", - "createResourceIdentifier": "Resource Identifier", - "note6": "Note: Using the basic template will not generate any struct and CURD, only configure enter and other attributes to facilitate the development of non-CURD logic", - "basicTemplate": "Basic Template" - }, - "addField": "Add Field", - "primaryKey": "Primary Key", - "fieldName": "Field Name", - "chineseName": "Chinese Name", - "defaultValue": "Default Value", - "required": "Required", - "createEdit": "Create/Edit", - "importExport": "Import/Export", - "fieldJson": "Field Json", - "fieldType": "Field Type", - "selectFieldType": "Please select field type", - "indexType": "Index Type", - "selectIndexType": "Please select field index type", - "selectSearchCondition": "Please select field search condition", - "advancedEdit": "Advanced Edit", - "exportJson": "Export json", - "importJson": "Import json", - "clearTemp": "Clear Temporary", - "temporary": "Temporary", - "selectPackage": "Please select package", - "gvaStructureNote": "If you enable the GVA default structure, ID, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, DeletedAt fields will be automatically added. This action will automatically clear the duplicate fields you created below. Do you want to continue?", - "note": "Note", - "primaryKeyRequirement": "You need to create at least one primary key to ensure the feasibility of automated code", - "fillFieldTypes": "Please fill in all field types before submitting", - "packageNameConflict": "package and struct abbreviation cannot be the same", - "jsonImportSuccess": "JSON file imported successfully", - "invalidJsonFile": "Invalid JSON file", - "basicTemplateNote": "Using the basic template will not generate any struct and CURD, only configure enter and other attributes to facilitate the development of non-CURD logic", - "fieldDialog": { - "associativeDictionary": "Associative Dictionary", - "autoFill": "Auto Fill", - "dataTypeNote": "Database Type Length", - "entColumnName": "Please enter the database field", - "entFieldDataType": "Please select the field data type", - "entFieldDesc": "Please enter a short description of the field", - "entFieldJson": "Please enter the formatted JSON of the field", - "entFieldName": "Please enter the field name in English", - "note": "id, created_at, updated_at, deleted_at will be automatically generated, please do not create them again. When searching, if the condition is LIKE, only strings are supported", - "selectDataType": "Please select the field data type", - "selectDictionary": "Please select a dictionary", - "selectSearchType": "Please select the field search condition", - "enumValue": "Enum Value", - "typeLength": "Type Length", - "enumExample": "Example: 'Beijing', 'Tianjin'", - "dataTypeLength": "Database Type Length", - "enterDefaultValueNote": "Please enter the default value", - "frontendCreateEdit": "Frontend Create/Edit", - "frontendTableColmuns": "Frontend Table Columns", - "frontendDetails": "Frontend Details", - "sort": "Sortable", - "required": "Required", - "canBeCleared": "Can be Cleared", - "hideSearch": "Hide Search Condition", - "verificationError": "Verification Error Message", - "dataSourceConfigNote": "Data Source Configuration (This is an advanced configuration, if your programming foundation is not strong, it may cause the automated code to be unusable)", - "associationMode": "Association Mode", - "oneToOne": "One-to-One", - "oneToMany": "One-to-Many", - "selectDataSourceTable": "Please select the data source table", - "selectDataToStore": "Please select the data to be stored first", - "storage": "Storage: ", - "type": "Type: ", - "fileDesc": ", Field Description: ", - "selectDataToDisplay": "Please select the data to be displayed first", - "display": "Display: ", - "enumValueValidationError": "Enum Value Validation Error", - "oneToManyNote": "In one-to-many association mode, the data type will change to an array, the backend will be represented as JSON, specifically as an array mode, do you want to continue?" - } - }, + "actionBar": "Action Bar:", + "aiCodeNote": "[Beta] Try describing your table and let AI help you complete it.\nCurrently in testing phase, please provide feedback if you encounter any issues.\nThis feature requires you to get your own AI-Path from the plugin market personal center, fill in the AI-Path in config.yaml under autocode-->ai-path, and restart the project to use it.", + "autoAPIDBCreate": "Automatically Create API", + "autoAPIDBTip": "Note: Register the automatically generated API into the database", + "autoCodeNote": "This feature is for development environment use, not recommended for production. Click me to see the specific usage effect.", + "autoMoveFiles": "Automatically Move Files", + "autoMoveFilesTip": "Note: Automatically migrate the generated files to the corresponding location configured in ymal", + "codeGenDownload": "Automated code creation successful, downloading", + "codeGenMoveSuccess": "Automated code creation successful, automatic move successful", + "codePreview": "Preview Code", + "columnName": "Database Field", + "comment": "Database Field Description", + "componentContent": "Component Content", + "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete?", + "copy": "Copy", + "createUsingTable": "Create Using This Table", + "createdByAI": "Created by AI", + "dbName": "Database Name", + "dictionary": "Dictionary", + "entFileName": "File Name: sysXxxxXxxx", + "entStructAbbreviation": "Please enter the struct abbreviation", + "entStructDesc": "Please enter the struct description", + "entStructName": "Please enter the struct name", + "errNoFields": "Please fill in at least one field", + "errSameFiledName": "There is a field with the same name as the struct", + "errSameStructDescAbbr": "structName and struct abbreviation cannot be the same", + "existDB": "Click here to create code from an existing database", + "field": "Field", + "fieldDataType": "Field Data Type", + "fieldDesc": "Field Multi-language Key", + "fieldIndex": "Index", + "fieldLen": "Database Field Length", + "fileName": "File Name", + "fileNameNote": "Default name of the generated file (recommended to be in camel case, starting with a lowercase letter, such as sysXxxXxxx)", + "generateCode": "Generate Code", + "moveDown": "Move Down", + "moveUp": "Move Up", + "selectDB": "Please select a database", + "selectTable": "Please select a table", + "structAbbreviation": "Struct Abbreviation", + "structAbbreviationNote": "The abbreviation will be used as the parameter object name and route group", + "structChineseName": "Struct Name", + "structChineseNameNote": "Description used as automatic API description", + "structName": "Struct Name", + "structNameNote": "First letter automatically converted to uppercase", + "table": "Table", + "tableName": "Table Name", + "tableNameNote": "Specify table name (optional)", + "aiContent": "Xiao Qi has a failure probability, open to all users (if it fails, just regenerate it).", + "XiaoMiaoDesc": "Xiao Miao can design almost anything, but it requires points. Authorized users automatically get basic points during the testing phase, open source users need to fill out a form to apply.", + "XiaoQi": "Xiao Qi", + "XiaoMiao": "Xiao Miao", + "createdFromDB": "Created from Database", + "businessLibrary": "Business Library", + "businessLibraryNotice": "Note: You need to configure multiple databases in db-list in advance. If not configured, you need to configure and restart the service before using it. (You can select the corresponding library table here, which can be understood as selecting the table from which library)", + "selectBusinessLibrary": "Select Business Library", + "selectTableBtn": "Select This Table", + "automationStructure": "Automation Structure", + "structureName": "Structure Name", + "structureSimpleName": "Structure Abbreviation", + "StructureOverview": "Structure Overview", + "structNameInput": "Please enter the struct abbreviation", + "fineNameInput": "Please enter the file name", + "capitalizeFirstLetterAutomatically": "First letter automatically capitalized", + "objectNameAndRouteGroup": "Abbreviation used as parameter object name and route group", + "templateChoose": "Choose Template", + "libraryNote": "Note: You need to configure multiple databases in db-list in advance. If this item is empty, the automated code will be created using the gva main library (global.GVA_DB). If filled in, the code will be created for the specified library (global.MustGetGlobalDBByDBName(dbname))", + "useGvaNote": "Note: The struct global.Model will automatically include primary key and soft delete related operations", + "groupInfos": { + "useGvaStructure": "GVA Structure", + "note1": "Note: Register the automatically generated API into the database", + "autoCreateApi": "Create API", + "note2": "Note: Register the automatically generated menu into the database", + "autoCreateMenu": "Create Menu", + "note3": "Note: Automatically synchronize the database table structure, if not needed, you can choose to turn it off.", + "syncTableStructure": "Synchronize Table", + "note4": "Note: Automatically generate button permission configuration within the page. If the button is not assigned in role management, the button will not be visible", + "createButtonPermissions": "Button Permissions", + "note5": "Note: Automatically add created_by, updated_by, deleted_by to the struct, making it easier for users to control resource permissions", + "createResourceIdentifier": "Resource Identifier", + "note6": "Note: Using the basic template will not generate any struct and CURD, only configure enter and other attributes to facilitate the development of non-CURD logic", + "basicTemplate": "Basic Template" + }, + "addField": "Add Field", + "primaryKey": "Primary Key", + "fieldName": "Field Name", + "chineseName": "Chinese Name", + "defaultValue": "Default Value", + "required": "Required", + "createEdit": "Create/Edit", + "importExport": "Import/Export", + "fieldJson": "Field Json", + "fieldType": "Field Type", + "selectFieldType": "Please select field type", + "indexType": "Index Type", + "selectIndexType": "Please select field index type", + "selectSearchCondition": "Please select field search condition", + "advancedEdit": "Advanced Edit", + "exportJson": "Export json", + "importJson": "Import json", + "clearTemp": "Clear Temporary", + "temporary": "Temporary", + "selectPackage": "Please select package", + "gvaStructureNote": "If you enable the GVA default structure, ID, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, DeletedAt fields will be automatically added. This action will automatically clear the duplicate fields you created below. Do you want to continue?", + "note": "Note", + "primaryKeyRequirement": "You need to create at least one primary key to ensure the feasibility of automated code", + "fillFieldTypes": "Please fill in all field types before submitting", + "packageNameConflict": "package and struct abbreviation cannot be the same", + "jsonImportSuccess": "JSON file imported successfully", + "invalidJsonFile": "Invalid JSON file", + "basicTemplateNote": "Using the basic template will not generate any struct and CURD, only configure enter and other attributes to facilitate the development of non-CURD logic", + "fieldDialog": { + "associativeDictionary": "Associative Dictionary", + "autoFill": "Auto Fill", + "dataTypeNote": "Database Type Length", + "entColumnName": "Please enter the database field", + "entFieldDataType": "Please select the field data type", + "entFieldDesc": "Please enter a short description of the field", + "entFieldJson": "Please enter the formatted JSON of the field", + "entFieldName": "Please enter the field name in English", + "note": "id, created_at, updated_at, deleted_at will be automatically generated, please do not create them again. When searching, if the condition is LIKE, only strings are supported", + "selectDataType": "Please select the field data type", + "selectDictionary": "Please select a dictionary", + "selectSearchType": "Please select the field search condition", + "enumValue": "Enum Value", + "typeLength": "Type Length", + "enumExample": "Example: 'Beijing', 'Tianjin'", + "dataTypeLength": "Database Type Length", + "enterDefaultValueNote": "Please enter the default value", + "frontendCreateEdit": "Frontend Create/Edit", + "frontendTableColmuns": "Frontend Table Columns", + "frontendDetails": "Frontend Details", + "sort": "Sortable", + "required": "Required", + "canBeCleared": "Can be Cleared", + "hideSearch": "Hide Search Condition", + "verificationError": "Verification Error Message", + "dataSourceConfigNote": "Data Source Configuration (This is an advanced configuration, if your programming foundation is not strong, it may cause the automated code to be unusable)", + "associationMode": "Association Mode", + "oneToOne": "One-to-One", + "oneToMany": "One-to-Many", + "selectDataSourceTable": "Please select the data source table", + "selectDataToStore": "Please select the data to be stored first", + "storage": "Storage: ", + "type": "Type: ", + "fileDesc": ", Field Description: ", + "selectDataToDisplay": "Please select the data to be displayed first", + "display": "Display: ", + "enumValueValidationError": "Enum Value Validation Error", + "oneToManyNote": "In one-to-many association mode, the data type will change to an array, the backend will be represented as JSON, specifically as an array mode, do you want to continue?" + } + }, "exportTemplate": { - "exportTemplateNote": "This function provides synchronous table export function and asynchronous table export function for large data volume. You can choose to customize it.", + "syncTableExportFeature": "This function provides synchronous table export function and asynchronous table export function for large data volume. You can choose to customize it.", + "templateIdentifier": "Template Identifier", + "add": "Add", + "edit": "Edit", + "gvaDatabase": "GVA Library", + "dbListNote": "Note: You need to go to db-list to configure multiple databases in advance. If not configured, you need to restart the service after configuration before you can use it. If you cannot select it, please set disabled:false in config.yaml and select the target library for import and export.", + "enterTemplateName": "Please enter a template name", + "templateIdentifierInfo": "The template identifier is the identifier attribute that the front-end component needs to hang on", + "associationCondition": "Association conditions", + "selectAssociationMethod": "Please select the connection method", + "enterAssociationTable": "Please enter the association table", + "associationConditionExample": "Join condition table1.a = table2.b", + "addCondition": "Adding conditions", + "defaultExportCount": "Default number of exported records", + "defaultSortCondition": "Default sorting criteria", + "jsonKeyFromQuery": "The json key that needs to be taken from the query condition", + "tableColumn": "The corresponding column of the table", + "selectQueryCondition": "Please select the query conditions", "creationDate": "Creation Date", "searchDateHint": "The search range is from the start date (inclusive) to the end date (exclusive)", "startDate": "Start Date", @@ -916,7 +971,6 @@ "gvaLibrary": "GVA Library", "templateInfo": "Template Information", "addTo": "Add To", - "dbListNote": "Note: You need to go to db-list to configure multiple databases in advance. If not configured, you need to restart the service after configuration before you can use it. If you cannot choose, please set disabled:false in config.yaml and select the target library for import and export.", "templateName2": "Template Name:", "templateNameNote": "Please enter a template name", "tableName2": "Table Name:", diff --git a/web/src/locales/zh.json b/web/src/locales/zh.json index 2d75b6734..05fd452fb 100644 --- a/web/src/locales/zh.json +++ b/web/src/locales/zh.json @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "components": { - "arrayCtrl" : { + "arrayCtrl": { "new": "+ 新增" }, - "bottomInfo" : { + "bottomInfo": { "poweredBy": "动力来自", "copyright": "版权", "faTeam": "flipped-aurora团队" @@ -35,21 +35,6 @@ "uploadFiles": "上传文件", "uploadFailed": "上传失败" }, - "selectImage": { - "selectComponent": { - "image": "图片", - "upload": "上传" - }, - "selectImage": { - "mediaLibrary": "媒体库", - "editFileNote": "点击“文件名/备注”可以编辑文件名或者备注内容。", - "enterFileName": "请输入文件名或备注", - "browserNotSupportVideo": "您的浏览器不支持视频播放", - "enterFileNameOrComment": "请输入文件名或者备注", - "typeNotSupported": "当前类型不支持使用", - "delectFileConfirmation": "是否删除该文件" - } - }, "upload": { "common": { "normalUpload": "普通上传", @@ -122,9 +107,9 @@ "back": "返回", "cancel": "取消", "change": "变更", - "close": "取 消", + "close": "取消", "collapse": "收起", - "confirm": "确 定", + "confirm": "确定", "copy": "拷贝", "continue": "继续", "copySuccess": "复制成功!", @@ -174,7 +159,8 @@ "warning": "警告", "yes": "是", "cannotBeEmpty": "不能为空", - "cancelModification": "取消修改" + "cancelModification": "取消修改", + "import": "导入" }, "historyComponent": { "closeAll": "关闭所有", @@ -289,6 +275,10 @@ "systemConfig": "系统配置" }, "view": { + "about": { + "flippedAuroraTeam": "flipped-aurora团队", + "submitRecords": "提交记录" + }, "dashboard": { "about": "关于我们", "announcement": "公告", @@ -368,9 +358,57 @@ "notice10": "让公司更有活力。" } }, - "about": { - "flippedAuroraTeam": "flipped-aurora团队", - "submitRecords": "提交记录" + "example": { + "breakpoint": { + "largeFileUpload": "大文件上传", + "selectFile": "选择文件", + "uploadFiles": "上传文件", + "uploadFilesNote": "请上传不超过5MB的文件", + "breakpointNote": "此版本为先行体验功能测试版,样式美化和性能优化正在进行中,上传切片文件和合成的完整文件分别再QMPlusserver目录的breakpointDir文件夹和fileDir文件夹", + "fileTransferredSec": "文件已秒传" + }, + "upload": { + "importURL": "导入URL", + "image": "图片", + "upload": "上传", + "mediaLibrary": "媒体库", + "fileNameComments": "文件名/备注", + "link": "链接", + "label": "标签", + "download": "下载", + "deleteAllFilesNote": "此操作将永久删除文件, 是否继续?", + "formatNote": "格式:文件名|链接或者仅链接。", + "editFileNote": "点击“文件名/备注”可以编辑文件名或者备注内容。", + "enterFileName": "请输入文件名或备注", + "browserNotSupportVideo": "您的浏览器不支持视频播放", + "enterFileNameOrComment": "请输入文件名或者备注", + "typeNotSupported": "当前类型不支持使用", + "delectFileConfirmation": "是否删除该文件", + "review": "预览", + "inputPlaceholder": "我的图片|https://my-oss.com/my.png\nhttps://my-oss.com/my_1.png", + "importSuccess": "导入成功!", + "cancelImport": "取消导入" + } + }, + "layout": { + "header": { + "tools": { + "video01": "1.clone项目和安装依赖", + "video02": "2.初始化项目", + "video03": "3.开启调试工具+创建初始化包", + "video04": "4.手动使用自动化创建功能", + "video05": "5.使用已有表格创建业务", + "video06": "6.使用AI创建业务和创建数据源模式的可选项", + "video07": "7.创建自己的后端方法", + "video08": "8.新增一个前端页面", + "video09": "9.配置一个前端二级页面", + "video10": "10.配置一个前端菜单参数", + "video11": "11.菜单参数实战+动态菜单标题+菜单高亮配置", + "video12": "12.增加菜单可控按钮", + "video13": "13.新增客户角色和其相关配置教学", + "video14": "14.发布项目上线" + } + } }, "superAdmin": { "menu": { @@ -859,32 +897,32 @@ "selectDataType": "请选择field数据类型", "selectDictionary": "请选择字典", "selectSearchType": "请选择Field查询条件", - "enumValue" : "枚举值", - "typeLength" : "类型长度", - "enumExample" : "例:'北京','天津'", - "dataTypeLength" : "数据库类型长度", - "enterDefaultValueNote" : "请输入默认值", - "frontendCreateEdit" :"前端新建/编辑", - "frontendTableColmuns" : "前端表格列", - "frontendDetails" : "前端详情", - "sort" : "是否排序", - "required" : "是否必填", - "canBeCleared" : "是否可清空", - "hideSearch" : "隐藏查询条件", - "verificationError" : "校验失败文案", - "dataSourceConfigNote" : "数据源配置(此配置为高级配置,如编程基础不牢,可能导致自动化代码不可用)", - "associationMode" : "关联模式", - "oneToOne" : "一对一", - "oneToMany" : "一对多", - "selectDataSourceTable" : "请选择数据源表", - "selectDataToStore" : "请先选择需要存储的数据", - "storage" : "存储: ", - "type" : "类型:", - "fileDesc" : ",字段说明:", - "selectDataToDisplay" : "请先选择需要展示的数据", - "display" : "展示: ", - "enumValueValidationError" : "枚举值校验错误", - "oneToManyNote" : "一对多关联模式下,数据类型会改变为数组,后端表现为json,具体表现为数组模式,是否继续?" + "enumValue": "枚举值", + "typeLength": "类型长度", + "enumExample": "例:'北京','天津'", + "dataTypeLength": "数据库类型长度", + "enterDefaultValueNote": "请输入默认值", + "frontendCreateEdit": "前端新建/编辑", + "frontendTableColmuns": "前端表格列", + "frontendDetails": "前端详情", + "sort": "是否排序", + "required": "是否必填", + "canBeCleared": "是否可清空", + "hideSearch": "隐藏查询条件", + "verificationError": "校验失败文案", + "dataSourceConfigNote": "数据源配置(此配置为高级配置,如编程基础不牢,可能导致自动化代码不可用)", + "associationMode": "关联模式", + "oneToOne": "一对一", + "oneToMany": "一对多", + "selectDataSourceTable": "请选择数据源表", + "selectDataToStore": "请先选择需要存储的数据", + "storage": "存储: ", + "type": "类型:", + "fileDesc": ",字段说明:", + "selectDataToDisplay": "请先选择需要展示的数据", + "display": "展示: ", + "enumValueValidationError": "枚举值校验错误", + "oneToManyNote": "一对多关联模式下,数据类型会改变为数组,后端表现为json,具体表现为数组模式,是否继续?" } }, "autoPkg": { @@ -929,7 +967,7 @@ "add": "添加", "edit": "修改", "gvaDatabase": "GVA库", - "note": "注:需要提前到db-list自行配置多数据库,如未配置需配置后重启服务方可使用。若无法选择,请到config.yaml中设置disabled:false,选择导入导出的目标库。", + "dbListNote": "注:需要提前到db-list自行配置多数据库,如未配置需配置后重启服务方可使用。若无法选择,请到config.yaml中设置disabled:false,选择导入导出的目标库。", "enterTemplateName": "请输入模板名称", "templateIdentifierInfo": "模板标识为前端组件需要挂在的标识属性", "associationCondition": "关联条件", @@ -960,7 +998,6 @@ "gvaLibrary": "GVA库", "templateInfo": "模板信息", "addTo": "添加", - "dbListNote": "注:需要提前到db-list自行配置多数据库,如未配置需配置后重启服务方可使用。若无法选择,请到config.yaml中设置disabled:false,选择导入导出的目标库。", "templateName2": "模板名称:", "templateNameNote": "请输入模板名称", "tableName2": "表名称:", diff --git a/web/src/view/example/breakpoint/breakpoint.vue b/web/src/view/example/breakpoint/breakpoint.vue index 0751a471b..49c02b788 100644 --- a/web/src/view/example/breakpoint/breakpoint.vue +++ b/web/src/view/example/breakpoint/breakpoint.vue @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@