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README-zh_CN.md | ||

English | 简体中文
Project Guidelines
- Web UI Framework:element-ui
- Server Framework:gin
1. Basic Introduction
1.1 Project Introduction
Gin-vue-admin is a full-stack (frontend and backend separation) framework designed for management system. It integrates multiple functions, such as JWT authentication, dynamic routing, dynamic menu, casbin authentication, form generator, code generator, etc. So that you can focus more time on your business Requirements.
1.2 Version list
master: 2.0 dev code
gin-vue-adminv 1.0 stable (v1.0 is kept up to date and maintained)
gin-vue-adminv 2.0 dev (v2.0 is no longer compatible with v1.0)
2. Getting started
- node version > v8.6.0
- golang version >= v1.11
- IDE recommendation: Goland
- After you clone the project, use the scripts in directory db to create your own database.
- We recommend you to apply for your own cloud service in QINIU. Replace the public key, private key, warehouse name and default url address with your own, so as not to mess up the test database.
2.1 Web
# clone the project
git clone https://github.com/piexlmax/gin-vue-admin.git
# enter the project directory
cd web
# install dependency
npm install
# develop
npm run dev
2.2 Server
# using go.mod
# install go modules
go list (go mod tidy)
# build the server
go build
2.3 API docs auto-generation using swagger
2.3.1 install swagger
(1) Using VPN or outside mainland China
go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag
(2) In mainland China
In mainland China, access to go.org/x is prohibited,we recommend gopm
# install gopm
go get -v -u github.com/gpmgo/gopm
# get swag
gopm get -g -v github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag
# cd GOPATH/src/github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag
go install
2.3.2 API docs generation
cd server
swag init
After executing the above command,docs
will show in server/
,then open your browser, jump into http://localhost:8888/swagger/index.html
to see the swagger APIs.
2.4 Docker image
Thanks @chenlinzhong for providing docker image.
# start docker
docker run -itd --net=host --name=go_container shareclz/go_node /bin/bash;
# come into docker
docker exec -it go_container /bin/bash;
git clone https://github.com/piexlmax/gin-vue-admin.git /data1/www/htdocs/go/admin;
# run web
cd /data1/www/htdocs/go/admin/QMPlusVuePage;
cnpm i ;
npm run serve;
# update db config
vi /data1/www/htdocs/go/admin/QMPlusServer/static/dbconfig/config.json;
# run server
cd /data1/www/htdocs/go/admin/QMPlusServer;z
go run main.go;
3. Technical selection
- Frontend: using
based on vue,to code the page. - Backend: using
to quickly build basic RESTful API.Gin
is a web framework written in Go (Golang). - DB:
to implement data manipulation. - Cache: using
to implement the recording of the JWT token of the currently active user and implement the multi-login restriction. - API: using Swagger to auto generate APIs docs。
- Config: using
to implementyaml
config file。 - Log: using
record logs。
4. Project layout
├─server (backend)
│ ├─api (API entrance)
│ ├─config (config file)
│ ├─core (core code)
│ ├─db (db scripts)
│ ├─docs (swagger APIs docs)
│ ├─global (global objet)
│ ├─initialiaze (initialiazation)
│ ├─middleware (middle ware)
│ ├─model (model and services)
│ ├─resource (resources, such as static pages, templates)
│ ├─router (routers)
│ └─utils (common utilities)
└─web (frontend)
├─public (deploy templates)
└─src (source code)
├─api (frontend APIs)
├─assets (static files)
├─router (frontend routers)
├─store (vuex state management)
├─style (common styles)
├─utils (frontend common utilitie)
└─view (pages)
5. Features
- Authority management: Authority management based on
. - File upload & download: File upload operation based on Qiniu Cloud (In order to make it easier for everyone to test, I have provided various important tokens of my Qiniu test number, and I urge you not to make things a mess).
- Pagination Encapsulation:The frontend uses mixins to encapsulate paging, and the paging method can call mixins
- User management: The system administrator assigns user roles and role permissions.
- Role management: Create the main object of permission control, and then assign different API permissions and menu permissions to the role.
- Menu management: User dynamic menu configuration implementation, assigning different menus to different roles.
- API management: Different users can call different API permissions.
- Configuration management: The configuration file can be modified in the web page (the test environment does not provide this function).
- Rich text editor: Embed MarkDown editor function.
- Conditional search: Add an example of conditional search.
fontend code file: src\view\superAdmin\api\api.vue
backend code file: model\dnModel\api.go
- Multi-login restriction: Change
to true insystem
(You need to configure redis and redis parameters yourself. During the test period, please report in time if there is a bug). - Upload file by chunk:Provides examples of file upload and large file upload by chunk.
- Form Builder:With the help of @form-generator.
- Code generator: Providing backend with basic logic and simple curd code generator.
6. To-do list
- upload & export Excel
- e-chart
- workflow, task transfer function
- frontend independent mode, mock
7. Changelog
Date | Log |
2020/01/07 | Added data resource function to Role, added the return of data resource association, the demo code was synchronized, and the multi-point login interception has been turned on, which may prevent being crowded out by others |
2020/01/13 | Added configuration management function. This function is not published to the test environment. The test environment will not be published until the protection mechanism and the service restart mechanism are released. Please clone and import the sql scripts into your own database |
2020/02/21 | Modified casbin custom authentication method to fully support /:params and?Query= interface modes in RESTful API |
2020/03/17 | Added verification code function with @dchest/captcha |
2020/03/30 | Code generator implementation, form generator implementation with@form-generator |
2020/04/01 | Add frontend history tab function, add (modify) condition query example, and change the frontend background to white. (If you don't need this feature, you can change background in &.el-main to shield background color of HistoryComponent , which is located at line 260 of the code web/src/view/layout/index.vue ) |
2020/04/04 | Starting version 2.x, standardize the project documentation, reconstructing the log function, and adding English comments to all methods |
8. Team blog
There are video courses about frontend framework in our blo. If you think the project is helpful to you, you can add my personal WeChat:shouzi_1994,your comments is welcomed。
9. Video courses
9.1 Development environment course
Bilibili:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Fg4y187Bw/ (coming soon)
9.2 Template course
Bilibili:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Fg4y187Bw/ (coming soon)
9.3 Golang basic course (coming soon)
URL: https://space.bilibili.com/322210472/channel/detail?cid=108884
10. Contacts
QQ group |
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Jiang | Yin | Yan | Du | Yin | Song |
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QQ group: 622360840
Wechat group: add anyone above, comment "加入gin-vue-admin交流群"
11. Developers
Nick name | Project position | First name |
@piexlmax | Project sponsor | Jiang |
@krank666 | Frontend developer | Yin |
@Ruio9244 | Full-stack developer | Yan |
@1319612909 | UI developer | Du |
@granty1 | Backend developer | Yin |
@chen-chen-up | Novice developer | Song |
12. Donate
If you find this project useful, you can buy author a glass of juice 🍹