# github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server Global Configuration # jwt configuration jwt: signing-key: 'qmPlus' expires-time: 604800 buffer-time: 86400 issuer: 'qmPlus' # zap logger configuration zap: level: 'info' prefix: '[github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server]' format: 'console' director: 'log' encode-level: 'LowercaseColorLevelEncoder' stacktrace-key: 'stacktrace' max-age: 30 # 默认日志留存默认以天为单位 show-line: true log-in-console: true # redis configuration redis: db: 0 addr: '' password: '' # email configuration email: to: 'xxx@qq.com' port: 465 from: 'xxx@163.com' host: 'smtp.163.com' is-ssl: true secret: 'xxx' nickname: 'test' # casbin configuration casbin: model-path: './resource/rbac_model.conf' # system configuration system: env: 'public' # Change to "develop" to skip authentication for development mode addr: 8888 db-type: 'mysql' oss-type: 'local' # 控制oss选择走本地还是 七牛等其他仓 自行增加其他oss仓可以在 server/utils/upload/upload.go 中 NewOss函数配置 use-redis: false # 使用redis use-multipoint: false # IP限制次数 一个小时15000次 iplimit-count: 15000 # IP限制一个小时 iplimit-time: 3600 # captcha configuration captcha: key-long: 6 img-width: 240 img-height: 80 # mysql connect configuration # 未初始化之前请勿手动修改数据库信息!!!如果一定要手动初始化请看(https://gin-vue-admin.com/docs/first_master) mysql: path: '' port: '' config: '' db-name: '' username: '' password: '' max-idle-conns: 10 max-open-conns: 100 log-mode: "" log-zap: false # pgsql connect configuration # 未初始化之前请勿手动修改数据库信息!!!如果一定要手动初始化请看(https://gin-vue-admin.com/docs/first_master) pgsql: path: '' port: '' config: '' db-name: '' username: '' password: '' max-idle-conns: 10 max-open-conns: 100 log-mode: "" log-zap: false db-list: - disabled: true # 是否启用 type: "" # 数据库的类型,目前支持mysql、pgsql alias-name: "" # 数据库的名称,注意: alias-name 需要在db-list中唯一 path: '' port: '' config: '' db-name: '' username: '' password: '' max-idle-conns: 10 max-open-conns: 100 log-mode: "" log-zap: false # local configuration local: path: 'uploads/file' # autocode configuration autocode: transfer-restart: true # root 自动适配项目根目录 # 请不要手动配置,他会在项目加载的时候识别出根路径 root: "" server: /server server-plug: /plugin/%s server-api: /api/v1/%s server-initialize: /initialize server-model: /model/%s server-request: /model/%s/request/ server-router: /router/%s server-service: /service/%s web: /web/src web-api: /api web-form: /view web-table: /view # qiniu configuration (请自行七牛申请对应的 公钥 私钥 bucket 和 域名地址) qiniu: zone: 'ZoneHuaDong' bucket: '' img-path: '' use-https: false access-key: '' secret-key: '' use-cdn-domains: false # aliyun oss configuration aliyun-oss: endpoint: 'yourEndpoint' access-key-id: 'yourAccessKeyId' access-key-secret: 'yourAccessKeySecret' bucket-name: 'yourBucketName' bucket-url: 'yourBucketUrl' base-path: 'yourBasePath' # tencent cos configuration tencent-cos: bucket: 'xxxxx-10005608' region: 'ap-shanghai' secret-id: 'xxxxxxxx' secret-key: 'xxxxxxxx' base-url: 'https://gin.vue.admin' path-prefix: 'github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server' # aws s3 configuration (minio compatible) aws-s3: bucket: xxxxx-10005608 region: ap-shanghai endpoint: '' s3-force-path-style: false disable-ssl: false secret-id: xxxxxxxx secret-key: xxxxxxxx base-url: https://gin.vue.admin path-prefix: github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin/server # huawei obs configuration hua-wei-obs: path: 'you-path' bucket: 'you-bucket' endpoint: 'you-endpoint' access-key: 'you-access-key' secret-key: 'you-secret-key' # excel configuration excel: dir: './resource/excel/' # timer task db clear table Timer: start: true spec: "@daily" # 定时任务详细配置参考 https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/robfig/cron/v3 detail: - tableName: "sys_operation_records" compareField: "created_at" interval: "2160h" - tableName: "jwt_blacklists" compareField: "created_at" interval: "168h" # 跨域配置 # 需要配合 server/initialize/router.go#L32 使用 cors: mode: whitelist # 放行模式: allow-all, 放行全部; whitelist, 白名单模式, 来自白名单内域名的请求添加 cors 头; strict-whitelist 严格白名单模式, 白名单外的请求一律拒绝 whitelist: - allow-origin: example1.com allow-headers: content-type allow-methods: GET, POST expose-headers: Content-Length, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Content-Type allow-credentials: true # 布尔值 - allow-origin: example2.com allow-headers: content-type allow-methods: GET, POST expose-headers: Content-Length, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Content-Type allow-credentials: true # 布尔值