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# Project Guidelines
[Online Documentation]( :
[From the environment to the deployment of teaching videos](
[Development Steps]( (Contributor: <a href="">LLemonGreen</a> And <a href="">Fann</a>)
## 1. Basic Introduction
### 1.1 Project Introduction
> Gin-vue-admin is a backstage management system based on [vue]( and [gin](, which separates the front and rear of the full stack. It integrates jwt authentication, dynamic routing, dynamic menu, casbin authentication, form generator, code generator and other functions. It provides a variety of sample files, allowing you to focus more time on business development.
[Online Demo](
### 1.2 Contributing Guide
Hi! Thank you for choosing gin-vue-admin.
Gin-vue-admin is a full-stack (frontend and backend separation) framework for developers, designers and product managers.
We are excited that you are interested in contributing to gin-vue-admin. Before submitting your contribution though, please make sure to take a moment and read through the following guidelines.
#### 1.2.1 Issue Guidelines
- Issues are exclusively for bug reports, feature requests and design-related topics. Other questions may be closed directly. If any questions come up when you are using Element, please hit [Gitter]( for help.
- Before submitting an issue, please check if similar problems have already been issued.
#### 1.2.2 Pull Request Guidelines
- Fork this repository to your own account. Do not create branches here.
- Commit info should be formatted as `[File Name]: Info about commit.` (e.g. ` Fix xxx bug`)
- <font color=red>Make sure PRs are created to `develop` branch instead of `master` branch.</font>
- If your PR fixes a bug, please provide a description about the related bug.
- Merging a PR takes two maintainers: one approves the changes after reviewing, and then the other reviews and merges.
### 1.3 Version list
- master: 2.0 code, for prod
- develop: 2.0 dev code, for test
- [gin-vue-admin_v2_dev]( (v2.0 [GormV1]( Stable branch)
- [gva_gormv2_dev]( (v2.0 [GormV2]( Development branch)
## 2. Getting started
- node version > v8.6.0
- golang version >= v1.14
- IDE recommendation: Goland
- initialization project: different versions of the database are not initialized. See synonyms at initialization
- Replace the Qiniuyun public key, private key, warehouse name and default url address in the project to avoid data confusion in the test file.
### 2.1 server project
use `Goland` And other editing toolsopen server catalogueYou can't open it. `gin-vue-admin` root directory
# clone the project
git clone
# open server catalogue
cd server
# use go mod And install the go dependency package
go generate
# Compile
go build -o server main.go (windows the compile command is go build -o server.exe main.go )
# Run binary
./server (windows The run command is server.exe)
### 2.1 web project
# enter the project directory
cd web
# install dependency
npm install
# develop
npm run serve
### 2.2 Server
# using go.mod
# install go modules
go list (go mod tidy)
# build the server
go build
### 2.3 API docs auto-generation using swagger
#### 2.3.1 install swagger
##### (1) Using VPN or outside mainland China
go get -u
##### (2) In mainland China
In mainland China, access to is prohibitedwe recommend []( or [](
# If you are using a version of Go 1.13 - 1.15 Need to set up manually GO111MODULE=on, The opening mode is as follows, If your Go version is 1.16 ~ Latest edition You can ignore the following step one
# Step one、Enable Go Modules Function
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
# Step two、Configuration GOPROXY Environment variable
go env -w GOPROXY=,,direct
# If you dislike trouble,You can use the go generate Automatically execute code before compilation, But this can't be used command line terminal of `Goland` or `Vscode`
cd server
go generate -run "go env -w .*?"
# 使用如下命令下载swag
go get -u
#### 2.3.2 API docs generation
cd server
swag init
> After executing the above commandserver directory will appear in the docs folder `docs.go`, `swagger.json`, `swagger.yaml` Three file updatesAfter starting the go service, type in the browser [http://localhost:8888/swagger/index.html](http://localhost:8888/swagger/index.html) You can view swagger document
## 3. Technical selection
- Frontend: using [Element]( based on [Vue]( code the page.
- Backend: using [Gin]( to quickly build basic RESTful API. [Gin]( a web framework written in Go (Golang).
- DB: `MySql`(5.6.44)using [gorm](` to implement data manipulation, added support for SQLite databases.
- Cache: using `Redis` to implement the recording of the JWT token of the currently active user and implement the multi-login restriction.
- API: using Swagger to auto generate APIs docs。
- Config: using [fsnotify]( and [viper]( to implement `yaml` config file。
- Log: using [zap]( record logs。
## 4. Project Architecture
### 4.1 Architecture Diagram
![Architecture diagram](
### 4.2 Front-end Detailed Design Diagram (Contributor: <a href="">baobeisuper</a>)
![Front-end Detailed Design Diagram](
### 4.3 Project Layout
├── server
├── api (api entrance)
│ └── v1 (v1 version interface)
├── config (configuration package)
├── core (core document)
├── docs (swagger document directory)
├── global (global object)
├── initialize (initialization)
│ └── internal (initialize internal function)
├── middleware (middleware layer)
├── model (model layer)
│ ├── request (input parameter structure)
│ └── response (out-of-parameter structure)
├── packfile (static file packaging)
├── resource (static resource folder)
│ ├── excel (excel import and export default path)
│ ├── page (form generator)
│ └── template (template)
├── router (routing layer)
├── service (service layer)
├── source (source layer)
└── utils (tool kit)
├── timer (timer interface encapsulation)
└── upload (oss interface encapsulation)
└─web frontend
├─public deploy templates
└─src source code
├─api frontend APIs
├─assets static files
├─router frontend routers
├─store vuex state management
├─style common styles
├─utils frontend common utilitie
└─view pages
## 5. Features
- Authority management: Authority management based on `jwt` and `casbin`.
- File upload and download: implement file upload operations based on `Qiniuyun', `Aliyun 'and `Tencent Cloud` (please develop your own application for each platform corresponding to `token` or `key` ).
- Pagination EncapsulationThe frontend uses `mixins` to encapsulate paging, and the paging method can call `mixins` .
- User management: The system administrator assigns user roles and role permissions.
- Role management: Create the main object of permission control, and then assign different API permissions and menu permissions to the role.
- Menu management: User dynamic menu configuration implementation, assigning different menus to different roles.
- API management: Different users can call different API permissions.
- Configuration management: the configuration file can be modified in the foreground (this feature is not available in the online experience site).
- Conditional search: Add an example of conditional search.
- Restful example: You can see sample APIs in user management module.
- Front-end file reference: [web/src/view/superAdmin/api/api.vue](
- Stage reference: [server/router/sys_api.go](
- Multi-login restriction: Change `user-multipoint` to true in `system` in `config.yaml` (You need to configure redis and redis parameters yourself. During the test period, please report in time if there is a bug).
- Upload file by chunkProvides examples of file upload and large file upload by chunk.
- Form BuilderWith the help of [@form-generator](
- Code generator: Providing backend with basic logic and simple curd code generator.
## 6. Knowledge base
### 6.1 Team blog
>There are video courses about frontend framework in our blo. If you think the project is helpful to you, you can add my personal WeChat:shouzi_1994your comments is welcomed。
### 6.2 Video courses
(1) Development environment course
> Bilibili
(2) Template course
> Bilibili
(3) 2.0 version introduction and development experience
> Bilibili
(4) Golang basic course
(5) gin frame basic teaching
> bilibili
(6) gin-vue-admin version update introduction video
> bilibili
## 7.Contacts
### 7.1 Groups
#### QQ group: 622360840
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#### Wechat group: comment "加入gin-vue-admin交流群"
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#### [About Us](
## 8. Contributors
Thank you for considering your contribution to gin-vue-admin!
<a href="">
<img src="" />
## 9. Donate
If you find this project useful, you can buy author a glass of juice :tropical_drink: [here](
## 10. Commercial considerations
If you use this project for commercial purposes, please comply with the Apache2.0 agreement and retain the author's technical support statement.