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<el-container class="layout-cont">
<el-container :class="[isSider?'openside':'hideside',isMobile ? 'mobile': '']">
<el-row :class="[isShadowBg?'shadowBg':'']" @click="changeShadow()" />
<el-aside class="main-cont main-left">
<div class="tilte" :style="{background: backgroundColor}">
<img alt class="logoimg" :src="$GIN_VUE_ADMIN.appLogo">
<h2 v-if="isSider" class="tit-text" :style="{color:textColor}">{{ $GIN_VUE_ADMIN.appName }}</h2>
<Aside class="aside" />
<!-- 分块滑动功能 -->
<el-main class="main-cont main-right">
<transition :duration="{ enter: 800, leave: 100 }" mode="out-in" name="el-fade-in-linear">
:style="{width: `calc(100% - ${isMobile?'0px':isCollapse?'54px':'220px'})`}"
<!-- :xs="8" :sm="6" :md="4" :lg="3" :xl="1" -->
<el-header class="header-cont">
<el-row class="pd-0">
<el-col :xs="2" :lg="1" :md="1" :sm="1" :xl="1">
<div class="menu-total" @click="totalCollapse">
<i v-if="isCollapse" class="el-icon-s-unfold" />
<i v-else class="el-icon-s-fold" />
<el-col :xs="10" :lg="14" :md="14" :sm="9" :xl="14">
<el-breadcrumb class="breadcrumb" separator-class="el-icon-arrow-right">
v-for="item in matched.slice(1,matched.length)"
>{{ item.meta.title }}</el-breadcrumb-item>
<el-col :xs="12" :lg="9" :md="9" :sm="14" :xl="9">
<div class="fl-right right-box">
<Search />
<Screenfull class="screenfull" :style="{cursor:'pointer'}" />
<div class="dp-flex justify-content-center align-items height-full width-full">
<span class="header-avatar" style="cursor: pointer">
<CustomPic />
<span style="margin-left: 5px">{{ userInfo.nickName }}</span>
<i class="el-icon-arrow-down" />
<template #dropdown>
<el-dropdown-menu class="dropdown-group">
<span style="font-weight: 600;">
当前角色{{ userInfo.authority.authorityName }}
<template v-if="userInfo.authorities">
<el-dropdown-item v-for="item in userInfo.authorities.filter(i=>i.authorityId!==userInfo.authorityId)" :key="item.authorityId" @click="changeUserAuth(item.authorityId)">
切换为:{{ item.authorityName }}
<el-dropdown-item icon="el-icon-s-custom" @click="toPerson">个人信息</el-dropdown-item>
<el-dropdown-item icon="el-icon-table-lamp" @click="LoginOut">登 出</el-dropdown-item>
<!-- 当前面包屑用路由自动生成可根据需求修改 -->
:to="{ path: item.path }" 暂时注释不用-->
<HistoryComponent ref="layoutHistoryComponent" />
<router-view v-if="$route.meta.keepAlive && reloadFlag" v-slot="{ Component }" v-loading="loadingFlag" element-loading-text="正在加载中" class="admin-box">
<transition mode="out-in" name="el-fade-in-linear">
<component :is="Component" />
<router-view v-if="!$route.meta.keepAlive && reloadFlag" v-slot="{ Component }" v-loading="loadingFlag" element-loading-text="正在加载中" class="admin-box">
<transition mode="out-in" name="el-fade-in-linear">
<component :is="Component" />
<BottomInfo />
<setting />
import Aside from '@/view/layout/aside'
import HistoryComponent from '@/view/layout/aside/historyComponent/history'
import Screenfull from '@/view/layout/screenfull'
import Search from '@/view/layout/search/search'
import BottomInfo from '@/view/layout/bottomInfo/bottomInfo'
import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'
import CustomPic from '@/components/customPic'
import Setting from './setting'
import { setUserAuthority } from '@/api/user'
import { emitter } from '@/utils/bus.js'
export default {
name: 'Layout',
components: {
data() {
return {
show: false,
isCollapse: false,
isSider: true,
isMobile: false,
isShadowBg: false,
loadingFlag: false,
reloadFlag: true,
value: ''
computed: {
...mapGetters('user', ['userInfo', 'sideMode', 'baseColor']),
textColor() {
if (this.$store.getters['user/sideMode'] === 'dark') {
return '#fff'
} else if (this.$store.getters['user/sideMode'] === 'light') {
return '#191a23'
} else {
return this.baseColor
backgroundColor() {
if (this.sideMode === 'dark') {
return '#191a23'
} else if (this.sideMode === 'light') {
return '#fff'
} else {
return this.sideMode
title() {
return this.$route.meta.title || '当前页面'
matched() {
return this.$route.matched
mounted() {
const screenWidth = document.body.clientWidth
if (screenWidth < 1000) {
this.isMobile = true
this.isSider = false
this.isCollapse = true
} else if (screenWidth >= 1000 && screenWidth < 1200) {
this.isMobile = false
this.isSider = false
this.isCollapse = true
} else {
this.isMobile = false
this.isSider = true
this.isCollapse = false
emitter.emit('collapse', this.isCollapse)
emitter.emit('mobile', this.isMobile)
emitter.on('reload', this.reload)
emitter.on('showLoading', () => {
this.loadingFlag = true
emitter.on('closeLoading', () => {
this.loadingFlag = false
window.onresize = () => {
return (() => {
const screenWidth = document.body.clientWidth
if (screenWidth < 1000) {
this.isMobile = true
this.isSider = false
this.isCollapse = true
} else if (screenWidth >= 1000 && screenWidth < 1200) {
this.isMobile = false
this.isSider = false
this.isCollapse = true
} else {
this.isMobile = false
this.isSider = true
this.isCollapse = false
emitter.emit('collapse', this.isCollapse)
emitter.emit('mobile', this.isMobile)
methods: {
...mapActions('user', ['LoginOut', 'GetUserInfo']),
async changeUserAuth(id) {
const res = await setUserAuthority({
authorityId: id
if (res.code === 0) {
reload() {
this.reloadFlag = false
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.reloadFlag = true
totalCollapse() {
this.isCollapse = !this.isCollapse
this.isSider = !this.isCollapse
this.isShadowBg = !this.isCollapse
emitter.emit('collapse', this.isCollapse)
toPerson() {
this.$router.push({ name: 'person' })
changeShadow() {
this.isShadowBg = !this.isShadowBg
this.isSider = !!this.isCollapse
<style lang="scss">
@import '@/style/mobile.scss';
background-color: #191a23 !important;
color: #fff !important;
background-color: #fff !important;
color: #000 !important;